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Trish Doller

(Note: I'm sorry that don't have any review copies for my books. You'll have to contact the publisher.)

“Something I'm not ready to name works itself under the grip of Charlies death and loosens it, and keeps the nightmare at bay when I fall back asleep.”
Trish Doller
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“She beams at me and it’s almost enough to make up for the fact that I’m harder than trigonometry right now. Almost.”
Trish Doller
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“Her green eyes meet mine in the Guinness mirror behind the bar and it feels like all the air has been sucked out of the room. I’ve never slept with this girl, but she was the first I remember wanting.Harper Gray.”
Trish Doller
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“...chicks are naturally attracted to the scent of badass”
Trish Doller
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“Does this public display of affection with my daughter on my front porch mean I'm stuck with you now?" he asks, opening the screen door for Harper.I'm not sure if I should laugh, so I hold back. "I'm afraid so.”
Trish Doller
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“I don't know if my life will ever be completely normal again, but something like normal is a good start.”
Trish Doller
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“That pretty much sums up our relationship: I have it. He wants it. He gets it. He ruins it.”
Trish Doller
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“Yeah, well, I don't really want to kick you when you're down, but mostly for some crazy reason"- her face tilts up and she gives me this shy little grin-"I think you might be worth it.”
Trish Doller
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“You should probably stay away from me," I say, resting my head on my knees. "I'm a mess.”
Trish Doller
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“When it's your business, I'll let you know.”
Trish Doller
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“Maybe it’s time to find a new normal.”
Trish Doller
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“Here's the thing: the strings are already attached.”
Trish Doller
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“He was the person all of us should be, but most of us aren't. And if I could have taken his place to buy him a little more time in the world, I'd have done it. I'm sorry I couldn't.”
Trish Doller
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“And, Jesus, she's a good kisser. So good I want to beat the hell out of whoever taught her.”
Trish Doller
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“Hey back,' I say, my voice low beside her ear. She shivers. I love that.”
Trish Doller
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“Maybe someday we'll see each other again, Charlie. For real I mean. Until then, save me a seat, okay?-Solo”
Trish Doller
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“I thought I was having a fucking stroke," I say as they free me from my coated elastic prison, making them laugh even harder.”
Trish Doller
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