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Troy Denning

Also known as Richard Awlinson.


“The New Republic? Are you blind? There is no New Republic! It died before the Yuuzhan Vong came!"Leia Organa Solo”
Troy Denning
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“There you have it. We go in General Celchu’s shuttle.”“Much as I personally want you to succeed in this, I sort of have to say no. Duty and officer’s oaths and all that. You understand.”“Oh, that’s right.” Luke turned to Wedge. “Could I trouble you to set your blaster on stun and point it at the other general?”“No, not really.”“Please?”Wedge sighed. “I’m not going to point a blaster at my best friend. Plus, his pilot will be obliged to jump in the way or do something equally noble and foolish. I’m not going to point a blaster at my little girl.”“Thank you, Daddy.”
Troy Denning
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“Han?”“Yeah, sweetie.”“How do you teach a man not to be a noble, long-suffering, self-sacrificing idiot?”“I don’t know, sweetie. Mostly I shoot them.”“I’ll consider that.”
Troy Denning
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“Vergere taught me to embrace my pain by surrendering to it. I made that pain a part of me--something I would never fight or deny. You have to do the same thing with your fear, Uncle Luke. Then it will have no power over you." - Jacen”
Troy Denning
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“Can't a Jedi Knight express himself around here anymore?" -Jacen"Of course, but half a dozen times should be sufficient." - Luke”
Troy Denning
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“Han: “Someone ought to make armor out of those bugs.”Leia: “Han! They’re sentient beings!”Han: “Fair is fair. If they get to wear it, so should we.”- Han and Leia Solo”
Troy Denning
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“Then who do we answer to? Ourselves?""Of course. Who else can we trust to wield our power? We must follow our own consciences."- Corran and Jacen”
Troy Denning
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“Hello, Ben. I'm your cousin Jacen.""I know you." You went away when I was two. Did you find it?"Some of it""So you're going back?""No. What I haven't found, I doubt I ever will." ―Jacen and Ben”
Troy Denning
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“And so we place the burden of remaining pure on lesser shoulders? … Do you really believe the Jedi should be the tools of such frail [government] institutions?”- Jacen Solo”
Troy Denning
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“What, exactly, are you doing here?""We're trying to prevent a war. Isn't that what Jedi are supposed to do?" ―Mara Jade Skywalker and Alema Rar”
Troy Denning
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“Ben: "Gorog's no assassin! She's my best friend." Mara: "She's an insect, Ben." Ben: "So? Your best friend's a lizard." Mara: "Don't be ridiculous. Aunt Leia is my best friend." Ben: "Doesn't count. She's family. Saba is a lizard." Mara: "Okay, maybe my best friend's a lizard.”
Troy Denning
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“Saba: "You want this one to guide you?" Leia: "If you would consider it." Saba: "This one?" Leia: "Yes. I want someone who will challenge me in unexpected ways. I want someone who will teach me what I don't know.”
Troy Denning
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“Your brother kills you." Fett hopped tpo his feet as lightly as any unarmoured jedi apprentice, the n added," Some things are worsse thean death. I know that better than anyone, except maybe Sintas-and Han Solo. Send your father my sympathies.”
Troy Denning
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“Jedi Masters do not crack up- they just get eccentric.- Luke Skywalker”
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“The hoverlanes were murder.”
Troy Denning
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