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Ty Roth

“We throw the word around so much that it is nearly meaningless. We've reduced the experience of 'being in love' to that which can be summarized in a pop-song or portrayed in a chick flick. Then we're angry and disillusioned when love disappoints. Here's a little secret: love always disappoints. It's the conscious choice to love someone or not to love someone, despite the disappointment, that makes it beautiful.”
Ty Roth
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“Sorry for your loss' Gordan said.His extended hand was immediately rejected with an if-looks-could-kill stare from Shelly's father, who was, as of yet, oblivious to the fact that we had stolen the last of his daughter.'Right. Well,fuck you too.”
Ty Roth
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“Here's a little secret:love always disappoints. It's the concious choice to love someone or not love someone, despite the disappointment, that makes it beautiful.”
Ty Roth
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“Your mistake is that you've concluded life is short, so you treat it as if it's precious, like a pretty little princess. Bullshit! Everyone's life is short. Quit feeling sorry for yourself. Fuck it. Treat it like a cheap hooker. Ask crazy shit from it, and you'll get more out of life than you could have ever wanted, imagined, or deserved.”
Ty Roth
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“Unless you learn to wrap your brain around the fact that you are eventually going to die, you'll never wrap your arms around the fact that you are currently living.”
Ty Roth
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