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Tyler Knott

“There is, and always has been one way and one way only that I will choose to go through this life. I will love and respect every single living thing on this perfect earth. I will be gentle with those creatures that trust me with their fragility. I will notice, I will appreciate, I will honor every single detail. There is only one way.”
Tyler Knott
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“Those hands need these hands and these hands need that skin and that skin needs these lips.”
Tyler Knott
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“These frantic fingers are making your heartbeat race and your breath quicken.”
Tyler Knott
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“It’s always laughter that can soothe a weary soul and wipe away tears.”
Tyler Knott
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“Tip toe your fingers across the globe of my skin and find a new home.”
Tyler Knott
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“I want us. I want to swim in the way you make me feel; I want it to soak my clothes until they become a skin, and I want my skin to soak into my bones.”
Tyler Knott
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“Two birds, one metal and one feather, one gas and one blood, flew together for a time as the smoke rose and the heat grew. Maybe the bird felt safer knowing the helicopter was there. Maybe those clinging to their seat belts in the helicopter felt safer knowing the bird was. What a beautiful thing this life is, no matter the fire that burns around us.”
Tyler Knott
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“I love the stolen seconds of a stunning us and I love the way your eyes light up when they look at mine.I love the way the parenthesis of your smile almost become quotation marks when they are stretching out for me.”
Tyler Knott
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“We’ll stretch like branches and we will anchor like roots. We’ll grow together.”
Tyler Knott
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“The sound of your heart is a tiny orchestra playing just for me.”
Tyler Knott
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