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Tyler Perry

Tyler Perry is an American playwright, actor and film director. His best-known character is Mabel Simmons, more commonly known as "Madea," an overbearing but well-intentioned woman who serves both as comic relief and as the loud voice of conscience to the protagonists of Perry's plays.

“Once you're truly happy with yourself alone, that's when you are safe to find the right person to spend the rest of your life with.”
Tyler Perry
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“It's not an easy journey, to get to a place where you forgive people. But it is such a powerful place, because it frees you.”
Tyler Perry
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“I didn't have a catharsis for my childhood pain, most of us don't, and until I learned how to forgive those people and let it go, I was unhappy.”
Tyler Perry
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“You know, people don't want their intelligence insulted. They don't want to be preached to. They don't want to be degraded. All they want to do is sit, laugh, have a good time, love one another, forget about what's going on in the world, and find something out so they can be useful in this life. Do this and you have common sense.”
Tyler Perry
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“You can never be upset with the people who forced you into your dream or up higher.”
Tyler Perry
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“If I'm away from you for more than an hour, I can't stop thinking about you. I carry you in my spirit. I pray for you more than I pray for myself...I know you don't believe in fairy tales. But, if you did, I'd want to be your knight in shining armor. You've been through so much. I don't want to see you hurt anymore. Now I may not be able to give you all that your used to. But I do know I can love you past your pain. I don't want you to worry about anything. You just wake up in the morning, that's all you have to do and I'll take it from there...There's one condition...You have to be my wife”
Tyler Perry
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“What I've found about it is that there are some folks you can talk to until you're blue in the face--they're never going to get it and they're never going to change. But every once in a while, you'll run into someone who is eager to listen, eager to learn, and willing to try new things. Those are the people we need to reach. We have a responsibility as parents, older people, teachers, people in the neighborhood to recognize that.”
Tyler Perry
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“I put a thong on a few months ago trying to be sexy. I've been looking for it but ain't seen it since.”
Tyler Perry
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“...when you put on your shortest dress, please leave some mystery in it. That's the difference between a miniskirt and a ho-skirt. A ho-skirt shows your Frisbee. A miniskirt shows just enough to cause some mystery. What these young women lack is mystery.”
Tyler Perry
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“My friend Madea has "attitude" that comes with wisdom. Back in our teens and twenties, we thought we knew everything and made all those foolish mistakes. Then, when we got a little older, at thirty, we started getting these flashes of light, revelations of what a great and lucky thing it is that we didn't get caught doing those stupid things back then. Around forty, if we are lucky, we stop lying to ourselves. Fifty and above, we've run out of patience for foolishness. Take me to the bottom line.”
Tyler Perry
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“You can get a thousand no's from people, and only one "yes" from God.”
Tyler Perry
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“You will always fine jealous people.They're the ones promoting you.”
Tyler Perry
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“ It's a clear day Sonny, L A N D. ”
Tyler Perry
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“Don't wait for someone to green light your project, build your own intersection.”
Tyler Perry
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“I got 27 people livin in my head and all of them was about to beat the heck out of you for doin that..”
Tyler Perry
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“It doesn't matter if a million people tell you what you can't do, or if ten million tell you no. If you get one yes from God that's all you need.”
Tyler Perry
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“Don't make a black woman take off her earrings".”
Tyler Perry
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“I'm just enjoying my life.I suggest you try it.”
Tyler Perry
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“People always try to do the right thing..after they've tried everything else.”
Tyler Perry
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