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Valerio Massimo Manfredi

Valerio Massimo Manfredi is an Italian historian, writer, archaeologist and journalist. He was born in Piumazzo di Castelfranco Emilia, province of Modena and is married to Christine Fedderson Manfredi, who translates his published works from Italian to English. They have two children and live in a small town near Bologna.

Valerio Massimo Manfredi defines himself as an "Ancient World Topographer". Since 1978 he spends his time teaching in several European universities, digging ruins in the Mediterranean and in the Middle East, and writing novels.

The Professor of Classical Archaeology in the "Luigi Bocconi" University of Milan and a familiar face on European television, he has led scientific expeditions, excavations and explorations in Italy and overseas. In addition to this, he has published a number of scientific articles and essays as well as thirteen novels, including the Alexander trilogy and The Last Legion. Alexander was published in thirty-six languages in fifty-five countries and The Last Legion was sold for a major film production in the USA. The Last Legion film was released in 2007.

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“Ascoltare una bella storia è come sognare, ma poi bisogna svegliarsi e la vita... bé, la vita è un'altra cosa.”
Valerio Massimo Manfredi
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“Se non fai una cosa è perché non vuoi farla, non perché qualcosa o qualcuno te lo impedisce!”
Valerio Massimo Manfredi
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“philip closed his eyes and stood upright and immobile in the middle of the silet room. In that moment the roar of battle, the creaking wood of the siege engines, the furious galloping of the horses all faded away; he simply stood stock still and listened to his son's breathing.”
Valerio Massimo Manfredi
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“A poet, Hephaestion, sings not to narrate human events as they occur, but to make sure that we have the opportunity of living the emotions and the passions of our heroes even at a distance of centuries.”
Valerio Massimo Manfredi
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“They passed the Gates of Thermopylae the following day and Alexander stopped to visit the tombs of the Spartan soldiers who had fallen one hundred and forty years previously during their battle with the Persian invaders. He read the simple inscription in Laconian dialect that commemorated their ultimate sacrifice and he stood in silence listening to the wind blowing in from the sea.How ephemeral is the destiny of man!’ he exclaimed. ‘All that is left of the thunder of a momentous clash which shook the whole world and an act of heroism worthy of Homer’s verses are these few lines. All is quiet now.”
Valerio Massimo Manfredi
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“History sometimes reproduces, at a distance of many years, the same combinations of circumstances that generate great achievements. But nothing ever repeats itself in exactly the same way.”
Valerio Massimo Manfredi
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“Remember, my boy, I never fight for the pleasure of wielding weapons. War, for me, is simply politics by other means.”
Valerio Massimo Manfredi
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“There are no simple answers to complex problems.”
Valerio Massimo Manfredi
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“Era quello l'amore, quello che provava in quel momento, quell'ansia palpitante, quella sete inestinguibile di lei, quella pace profonda dell'anima e allo stesso tempo quell'inquietudine incontrollabile, quella felicita e quella paura.”
Valerio Massimo Manfredi
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