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Vanessa Wu

I was born in Fuzhou, China and came to England by way of Russia, Ukraine, Hungary, Austria, Germany and Switzerland. I lost a boyfriend along the way and gained a very dear friend who is now my flatmate in London.

I work at a legal firm during the day but I usually start my morning very early, around 5 or 6, writing.

I have always loved English books and was lucky enough to be surrounded by them as a child thanks to my father's status as an army surgeon, which gave him privileged access to books and music.

My favourite authors are the ones I read as a child, which were mainly the English classics, Dickens, Conan Doyle, Jane Austen, George Eliot, Somerset Maugham, and many others. I like the romances of Sir Walter Scott but I find them harder to read now than when I was a child. I don't understand that.

There are many things in life I don't understand. Romance, for example. But I love learning and finding out about new things.

I am just starting to write erotica and I'm still discovering the possibilities of the genre. It has been thoroughly enjoyable so far and I'm looking forward to sharing my discoveries with the world. Or just a few people. Depending.

“Perhaps writing a story or a novel was not something that should be done for money, or to win praise, but for the sheer sensual pleasure of it. I liked that idea. It made me want to write lots of stories, to give myself that pleasure.”
Vanessa Wu
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