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Vaughn Sherman

Vaughn Sherman was born and educated in Seattle, Washington. After working as a fisheries biologist in Alaska and Washington State, he was recruited by the CIA and served as an operations officer for more than twenty years, mostly abroad. Taking early retirement due to an illness in the family, Vaughn became involved in numerous community activities, mostly involving the governance of non-profit agencies and community colleges. He and his wife, Jan Lind-Sherman, live in the Pacific Northwest. In 2011 they founded Patos Island Press LLC, a small press that published two books in 2012: Walking the Board Walk provides guidance on nonprofit board governance; and Memoirs of a Master Marine, the autobiography of Holger Christensen as told to Vaughn. Additionally, Vaughn’s novel based on his CIA career, Sasha Plotkin’s Deceit, was released by Camel Press in August of 2012.

“Neutrality may be useful, but it's useful like eunuchs are useful. Once you cut off their balls they grow big and strong, but you can never be sure if they will serve the harem or the master.”
Vaughn Sherman
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