V.C. King photo

V.C. King

I am pleased to announce that the second edition of Titanic: Relative Fate is now available. Titanic: Relative Fate has been recommended by Titanic societies around the world. Millvina Dean, Titanic's last survivor was kind enough to write me a note saying that Titanic: Relative Fate, "is very well written and most interesting." Millvina passed away in 2009. But she remains an international treasure. She was 97.

I am an engineer in addition to a writer. I have a penchant for research, allowing Titanic to come alive today with authentic characters and a believable, plausible plot. I live in Eastern Canada with my husband and my dog.

From ForeWord Clarion Reviews...

“King’s knowledge of ships, and the Titanic in particular, is impressive, as is her flair for creating a literary atmosphere capable of drawing the reader into both her story and the underlying tragedy of the Titanic. Titanic: Relative Fate will interest anyone with even a passing interest in the legendary ship and the tragedy that befell her. The novel is thought-provoking and engrossing, with a stirring poignancy drawn from a tragedy of our past"

“Titanic: Relative Fate is a wonderful read with a stunning conclusion that will raise goose bumps!”—Armchair Interviews

“Impossible to put down. Well-written, set brilliantly in context, the atmosphere of the present and the past woven together with great skill. A super read!”—Belfast Titanic Society



Barnes & Noble

Also available at Titanic Branson and Orlando’s Titanic The Experience, the two largest Titanic attractions in the United States.

A Staff Pick at the Amherst, New York Barnes & Noble and a Star, Publisher’s and Editor’s Choice Novel, a mark of editorial and design quality.

“Protestors? At a funeral?”
V.C. King
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“The probability of a certain set of circumstances coming together in a meaningful (or tragic) way is so low that it simply cannot be considered mere coincidence. ”
V.C. King
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