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Paul-Marie Verlaine was a French poet associated with the Symbolist movement. He is considered one of the greatest representatives of the fin de siècle in international and French poetry.

Despite Rimbaud admiring his poetry, these poets had a stormy affair which led to Verlaine's incarceration after shooting Rimbaud. This incident indirectly preceded his re-conversion to Roman Catholicism.

Verlaine's last years were particularly marked by alcoholism, drug addiction and poverty.

His poems have inspired many composers, such as Chopin, Fauré and Poldowski.

Art Poétique describes his decadent style and alludes to the relevance of nuances and veils in poetry.

“An infinite Resignedness Rains where the white Mists opalesce In the moon-shower...”
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“The rosy hearth, the lamplight's narrow beam, The meditation that is rather dream, With looks that lose themselves in cherished looks; The hour of steaming tea and banished books; The sweetness of the evening at an end, The dear fatigue, and right to rest attained, And worshipped expectation of the night,— Oh, all these things, in unrelenting flight, My dream pursues through all the vain delays, Impatient of the weeks, mad at the days!”
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“Sève qui monte et fleur qui pousse,Ton enfance est une charmille :Laisse errer mes doigts dans la mousseOù le bouton de rose brille.”
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“A vast black sleepfalls over my lifesleep, all hopesleep, all desire.”
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