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Victor E. Smith

Victor E. Smith became a generalist, as opposed to a specialist, seemingly by fate. From childhood on a Pennsylvania communal farm, to adolescence in a Catholic seminary, then into adulthood with occupations that ranged from counselor and teacher to printing entrepreneur and corporate computer trainer, all while parenting three children, Vic remains astounded, often stunned, by the variety, both wonderful and terrible, inherent in human life. Such awe has always compelled him to write. From his first “book” of poems as a teenager; through experimental plays, poetry, and short stories in his twenties; with volumes of educational and technical writing throughout his work career, he finally settled on the novel as his writing mode of choice.

A lifelong proponent of the human urge for spiritual evolution, he has focused on phenomena “just over the edge”: reincarnation, the paranormal, parapsychology, and alternative history, especially in the spiritual/religious sphere. Gnostic (based on direct perception rather than authority) in his approach, he aims to live an idea first and then write from personal experience. A tall order for someone supposedly writing fiction. Traveling to the places he writes about, developing relationships with those intimate with his subject, and “grokking the fullness” of his material through reflection and extensive personal journalling are to his research what clues are to a detective. THE ANATHEMAS, a Novel of Reincarnation and Restitution, ripened over decades, was his first novel. His second, THE PERFECT, about the medieval Cathars of southern France and Nazi interest in their obscure religion, is scheduled for publication in 2013.

“The moment a man buries the God of his ancestors, the God preached to him but not experienced by him, is life-changing. Blessed are the fortunate few who can stride away from the gravesite of their ancestral divinity resurrected into their own complete humanity.”
Victor E. Smith
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