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Victor Fernando R. Ocampo

Victor Fernando R. Ocampo is a Singapore-based Filipino writer. He is the author of the International Rubery Book Award shortlisted The Infinite Library and Other Stories (Math Paper Press, 2017) and Here be Dragons (Canvas Press, 2015), which won the Romeo Forbes Children’s Story Award in 2012.

His writing has appeared in many publications including Apex Magazine, Daily Science Fiction, Likhaan Journal, Strange Horizons, Philippines Graphic, Science Fiction World and The Quarterly Literature Review of Singapore, as well as anthologies like The Best New Singapore Short Stories, Fish Eats Lion: New Singaporean Speculative Fiction, Lontar: The Journal of Southeast Asian Speculative Fiction, Maximum Volume: Best New Philippine Fiction, and the Philippine Speculative Fiction series.

He is a member of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America and a fellow of the Milford Science Fiction Writers’ Conference (UK).

Visit his blog at or follow him on Twitter @VictorOcampo

“Love is the demiurge that builds substance from the elements of our lives.From "Big Enough for the Entire Universe”
Victor Fernando R. Ocampo
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“With a combination of proper lighting and climate control he managed to achieve a different ecological niche in each gallery. In the African section, where the imbrications of Augustine, Mafouz and Okri lay decomposing, he grew sorghum and Dioscorea yams. In the Chinese gallery where the Tao Te Ching and countless Confucian annotations moldered, he grew rice, crab apples and barley. Over the poems of Neruda and Borges himself, he grew potatoes. Each plant in this new Eden he lovingly tainted with the virus of civilization- from the short story "Resurrection”
Victor Fernando R. Ocampo
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