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Victor Manuel Rivera

Victor Manuel Rivera was born and raised in Lajas, Puerto Rico. After having success in his life he realized that something was missing. In his first book, In Search of True Freedom, Victor encompasses his journey, how he found true freedom, and the steps that helped him enjoy life to its fullest.

Victor Manuel has led discipleship ministries, home Bible study groups, leadership school training, and other ministerial responsibilities in the local church. His desire is to glorify God by serving and developing others, challenging them to become what the Lord has declared them to be. Victor and his family live in Washington State.

You may find In Search of True Freedom in Facebook as well as the Spanish version En Busca de la Verdadera Libertad.

“The dirtier your Bible, the cleaner your heart!”
Victor Manuel Rivera
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“Freedom is not doing what we want, but what we should.”
Victor Manuel Rivera
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“It is not about knowing, but about living.”
Victor Manuel Rivera
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“More important than starting well in our walk with God is to finish well.”
Victor Manuel Rivera
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“The greatest mistake we can make is to stay on the ground after falling.”
Victor Manuel Rivera
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“Our expectation in ourselves must be higher than our expectation in others.”
Victor Manuel Rivera
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“The more the level of insecurity is reduced, the more the level of faith will grow.”
Victor Manuel Rivera
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“Freedom keeps us soaring, but quarreling destroys our ability to fly.”
Victor Manuel Rivera
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“The love of Christ always helps us see beyond the faults of others.”
Victor Manuel Rivera
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“¡Mientras más sucia esté tu Biblia, más limpio estará tu corazón!”
Victor Manuel Rivera
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“Libertad no es hacer lo que queremos hacer sino hacer lo que debemos hacer.”
Victor Manuel Rivera
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“No es saber sino vivir.”
Victor Manuel Rivera
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“Más importante que empezar bien nuestro caminar con Dios es terminar bien la obra.”
Victor Manuel Rivera
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“El error más grande al caer es quedarnos en el piso.”
Victor Manuel Rivera
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“Nuestra expectativa debe de ser mayor en nosotros mismos que en las demás personas.”
Victor Manuel Rivera
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“Mientras más mengüe tu nivel de inseguridad, más crecerá tu nivel de fe.”
Victor Manuel Rivera
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“La libertad nos mantiene volando alto, pero la contienda destruye nuestra habilidad de volar.”
Victor Manuel Rivera
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“El amor de Cristo nos ayuda a mirar más allá del amor de otros.”
Victor Manuel Rivera
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