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Victoria Escobar

Born in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, but with the ability to claim eight states as home; Victoria Escobar writes fiction from her current home in New York. She writes whatever comes to mind and because of such has a variety of genres written including Young Adult, New Adult, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, and Contemporary Fiction.

In spare time if not with family, and friends Victoria enjoys curling up with a book from a favorite author with music playing. If not reading or writing she spends time drawing, sketching, crocheting, or some other random art project. She enjoys staying busy, but most of all enjoys staying creative.

She reads anything she can get her hands on, and devours a book in five hours or less. Victoria reads the Young adult books and the science fiction fantasy books more than anything else. However, she can be caught reading romance novels, and classics at times depending on her whimsy.

“She bit the inside of her cheek. “You wouldn’t keep secrets from me, would you? I mean we’ve been friends how long?”"We have been friends, thirteen years, eight months, two weeks, four days,” The wheelchair stopped and Ari watched the long shadow look at his watch. “Sixteen hours, four minutes and forty seven seconds and counting I’d say; give or take thirty minutes. Or if you want the short version: five thousand and four days plus or minus a few hours."She put her hands to her face and laughed to keep from crying. “Please tell me you made half of that up. Who actually keeps track of time like that?”
Victoria Escobar
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“I would bring down the sky, if it meant I was able to stay with youalways.”
Victoria Escobar
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“Now I’ve officially seen everything.” Leonidas muttered. “Howoften do you see them?”Ari laughed weakly. “Do nightmares count?”Leonidas bent down to look in her eyes. “Nightmares alwayscount.”
Victoria Escobar
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“It’s not a threat. It’s simply fact. He is Greek and of a bloodlinenearly as old as yours. He is required to be what he was made to bewhether he wishes it or not. He swims against the current, Ari. He thinkshe can outrun his fate. He cannot. No one can.”
Victoria Escobar
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“There probably are, but you would need a thaumaturge for that.They have books upon books of old magic. We only have Google.”
Victoria Escobar
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