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Victoria Michaels

“It helps me keep things in perspective, and sometimes it helps me forget. Whenever I think things are too much, I come here. No matter what is going on or how bad it seems, when I sit on this bench, I’m reminded that the water continues to flow, the waves keep crashing on the shore, and life goes on around me.”
Victoria Michaels
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“My life is better with you in it.”
Victoria Michaels
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“I want you to know everything about me, Lexi, to see inside me, beyond my gruff arrogance, beyond the hurt and loneliness, to the man underneath it all.There are things about me no one knows, but I want to share them with you.”
Victoria Michaels
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“Are you in the middle of something important, or can I grab you for a few minutes.’…..’Mr. Drake, I don’t think that would be appropriate.”
Victoria Michaels
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“I’ll tell Sean you said he was hot’…’I said he was a rat bastard with the potential to be hot!”
Victoria Michaels
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“You’re smart and witty. You’re so talented and really have an eye for advertising. Trust in that, and trust in the person who interviewed you today to see that about you.”
Victoria Michaels
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“How did you know about my candy stash?”Vincent innocently shrugged. “I needed tape and stumbled across your Willy Wonka drawer”
Victoria Michaels
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“While she was light and sunshine, he was nothing but clouds and darkness.”
Victoria Michaels
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“Well, I guess they aren't gay anymore, Liz," Susan said loudly from the direction of the kitchen doorway.Liz started snickering next to her. "I always knew they were full of shit.”
Victoria Michaels
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“She could barely remember what life had been like before him and didn't even want to try. All Grace knew was that she wanted to be with him, always.”
Victoria Michaels
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“Stay away from her. Don't look at her; don't even think about her. If she appears to you in your dreams, wake up and punch yourself in the face for me.”
Victoria Michaels
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“I won’t lie to you. We aren’t going to ride off into the sunset together and have everything fixed overnight. I know that, and I think you do too. But I’m willing to work at it, if you are. I do love you. I mean that with every cell in my body, every breath that I take. I think you’re worth it. I think we’re worth it. I think you could be the great love of my life, Vincent Drake.”
Victoria Michaels
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“Go ahead, look at the message. You know you want to.”“No, it doesn’t matter.”“Then why do you keep staring at it like it’s the last piece of food on earth?”
Victoria Michaels
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“I can’t do this with you, Vincent.” Lexi stepped back, putting some distance between them.“We belong together.” There was no doubt, no question in his voice, as he said the words, onlyutter certainty.”
Victoria Michaels
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“There is nothing more wonderful than falling in love.”
Victoria Michaels
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“Is that really so much to ask? One sexy, gorgeous, mentally stable, gainfully employed guy with an amazing personality, that doesn’t smell like mothballs or live with his mother?”
Victoria Michaels
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“Define huge.”
Victoria Michaels
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“A good heart attack or a bad heart attack?”
Victoria Michaels
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“You better call me the second he steps off that elevator.”
Victoria Michaels
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