Vladimir Holan photo

Vladimir Holan

s one of the earlier poets of the country. Born in the year 1905, Vladimír Holan was famous for the obscure language and the pessimistic ideas that his poems revealed. Born in Prague, Vladimír Holan perused a career of a clerk. His first poetic work was published in the year 1932 and was called Vanutí meaning Breezing.

A member of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, Vladimír Holans poetry often reflected his strong political views. His more political poems included, Zárí 1938 (September 1938),Sen (The Dream), Odpoved Francii (The Reply to France), and Zpev tríkrálový (Twelfth Night Song). In the year 1949 he left the Communist party and by the 1950s and 60s he started writing longer poems which were a mixture of abstract lyrics and reality.

Vladimír Holan stopped writing after the death of his only daughter in the year 1977 and in the year 1980 he passed away and was buried at the Olšany Cemetery. The most celebrated poems of the poet Vladimír Holan includes:

* Snow

* Stay

* When It Rains On Sunday

* A Night With Hamlet

* Eodem anno pons ruptus est

* Meeting in a Lift

* Mi Lascio

* She Asked You

* Human Voice

“بين الفكرة والكلمة أكثر مما نستطيع فهمه .. ثمة أفكار لا يمكن أن نجد لها كلمات”
Vladimir Holan
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“Have I ever really loved anyone at all,or was it a lightning flashwhich made me the shadow of my former self?”
Vladimir Holan
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