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Volker Grassmuck

“The most recent past seems to be the most uncertain, and it is handed down to us only in the form of rumors. It would take a historian of everyday life to unearth what happened yesterday.”
Volker Grassmuck
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“When the real and the imaginary become indistinguishable the real becomes a fetish.”
Volker Grassmuck
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“They [Otaku] despise physical contact and love media, technical communication, and the realm of reproduction and simulation in general. They are enthusiastic collectors and manipulators of useless artifacts and information. They are an underground, but they are not opposed to the system. They change, manipulate, and subvert ready-made products, but at the same time they are the apotheosis of consumerism and an ideal workforce for contemporary Japanese capitalism. They are the children of the media.”
Volker Grassmuck
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“The ultimate promise of technology is to make us master of a world that we command by the push of a button.”
Volker Grassmuck
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