Vonnegut, Kurt photo

Vonnegut, Kurt

Kurt Vonnegut, Junior was an American novelist, satirist, and most recently, graphic artist. He was recognized as New York State Author for 2001-2003.

He was born in Indianapolis, later the setting for many of his novels. He attended Cornell University from 1941 to 1943, where he wrote a column for the student newspaper, the Cornell Daily Sun. Vonnegut trained as a chemist and worked as a journalist before joining the U.S. Army and serving in World War II.

After the war, he attended University of Chicago as a graduate student in anthropology and also worked as a police reporter at the City News Bureau of Chicago. He left Chicago to work in Schenectady, New York in public relations for General Electric. He attributed his unadorned writing style to his reporting work.

His experiences as an advance scout in the Battle of the Bulge, and in particular his witnessing of the bombing of Dresden, Germany whilst a prisoner of war, would inform much of his work. This event would also form the core of his most famous work, Slaughterhouse-Five, the book which would make him a millionaire. This acerbic 200-page book is what most people mean when they describe a work as "Vonnegutian" in scope.

Vonnegut was a self-proclaimed humanist and socialist (influenced by the style of Indiana's own Eugene V. Debs) and a lifelong supporter of the American Civil Liberties Union.

The novelist is known for works blending satire, black comedy and science fiction, such as Slaughterhouse-Five (1969), Cat's Cradle (1963), and Breakfast of Champions (1973)

“Visumam ir divi galvenie virzītājspēki: Laiks un Gadījums.”
Vonnegut, Kurt
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“Dammit, you've got to be kind.”
Vonnegut, Kurt
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“You sound to me as though you don't be leave in the free will,' said Billy Pilgrim. 'If I hadn't spent so much time studying Earthlings,' said the Tralfamadorian, 'I wouldn't have any idea what was meant by 'free will.' I've visited thirty-one inhabited planets in the universe, and I haven't studied reports on 100 more. Only on Earth is there any talk of free will.”
Vonnegut, Kurt
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“The world had paid so little attention to him that he supposed he was dead.He hoped he was dead.”
Vonnegut, Kurt
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“When I write, I feel like an armless legless man witha crayon in his mouth”
Vonnegut, Kurt
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“Unexpected travel suggestions are dancing lessons from God”
Vonnegut, Kurt
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