W. C. Fields photo

W. C. Fields

W. C. Fields was born William Claude Dukenfield, the eldest of five children. Field's parents were a Cockney immigrant James Dukenfield and Philadelphia native Kate Felton

He was an American juggler, comedian, and actor. Fields created one of the great American comic personas of the first half of the 20th century—a misanthrope who teetered on the edge of buffoonery but never quite fell in, an egotist blind to his own failings, a charming drunk; and a man who hated children, dogs, and women, unless they were the wrong sort of women.

Fields was a marvel of marketing, he would go as far as pretending to drown in the ocean or other bodies of water, hoping to draw crowds (i.e. customers). His notoriety began around the age of 19, being propelled by his early 20s. His stardom would reach the heights Perform for Sarah Bernhardt at Buckingham Palace and other high profiled dignitaries. During his life, he would preform with some of the greatest names (e.g. Charles Chaplin) and on some of he greatest stages.

As a person, W. C. Field's had two sons: William Rexford Field Morris and William Claude Fields, Jr. Fields was married only once to Harriet Hughes from 1900 to 1946. Harriet bore Field's one son and a girlfriend by the name of Bessie Poole bore him the other son. However, there is rumor that he had a number of girlfriend's throughout his life, but the most significant were Bessie Poole and Carlotta Monti.

“When we have lost everything, including hope, life becomes a disgrace, and death a duty.”
W. C. Fields
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“Children should neither be seen nor heard from – ever again. ”
W. C. Fields
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“Just like my Uncle Charlie used to say, just before he sprung the trap: He said, "You can't cheat and honest man! Never give a sucker an even break or smarten up a chump!”
W. C. Fields
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“Was I in here last night and did I spend a $20 bill?Oh, thank goodness... I thought I'd lost it.”
W. C. Fields
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“Take me down to the bar! We'll drink breakfast together!”
W. C. Fields
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“I always keep some whiskey handy in case I see a snake...which I also keep handy.”
W. C. Fields
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“It is funnier to bend things than to break them.”
W. C. Fields
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“What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?”
W. C. Fields
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“I like children. If they're properly cooked.”
W. C. Fields
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