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Walter Bagehot

“The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.”
Walter Bagehot
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“Life is a school of probability.”
Walter Bagehot
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“It is good to be without vices, but it is not good to be without temptations.”
Walter Bagehot
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“The whole history of civilization is strewn with creeds and institutions which were invaluable at first, and deadly afterwards.”
Walter Bagehot
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“The reason why so few good books are written is that so few people who can write know anything. ”
Walter Bagehot
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“The soldier—that is, the great soldier—of to-day is not a romantic animal, dashing at forlorn hopes, animated by frantic sentiment, full of fancies as to a love-lady or a sovereign; but a quiet, grave man, busied in charts, exact in sums, master of the art of tactics, occupied in trivial detail; thinking, as the Duke of Wellington was said to do, most of the shoes of his soldiers; despising all manner of èclat and eloquence; perhaps, like Count Moltke, ‘silent in seven languages’.”
Walter Bagehot
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“Writers, like teeth, are divided into incisors and grinders.”
Walter Bagehot
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“Nothing is more unpleasant than a virtuous person with a mean mind.”
Walter Bagehot
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“The habit of common and continuous speech is a symptom of mental deficiency.”
Walter Bagehot
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“The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.”
Walter Bagehot
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“Life is a compromise of what your ego wants to do, what experience tells you to do, and what your nerves let you do.”
Walter Bagehot
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