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Walter Mosley

“When you get old you begin to understand that no one talks unless someone listens, and no one knows nuthin' less somebody else can understand.”
Walter Mosley
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“There are times in your life when things line up and Fate takes a hand in your future," Ptolemy remembered Coydog saying. "When that happens, you got to move quick and take advantage of the sitchiation or you'll never know what might have been.""How do I know when it's time to move quick?" L'il Pea asked."When somethin' big happens and then somethin' else come up.”
Walter Mosley
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“It was mid-November 2008. There were pirates taking ships with impunity in African waters, terrorists punching holes in Indian security, China sinking towards depression because Americans were afraid to buy cheap goods for Christmas, and the richest nation in the history of the world was talking about how to keep a budget.”
Walter Mosley
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“I'm just a survivor from the train wreck of the modern world.”
Walter Mosley
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“All writing is that structure of revelation. There's something you want to find out. If you know everything up front in the beginning, you really don't need to read further if there's nothing else to find out.”
Walter Mosley
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“But literacy didn't make you smart, just like, as Twill had already figured out, money didn't make you rich.”
Walter Mosley
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“Love, as the poet says, is like the spring. It grows on you and seduces you slowly and gently, but it holds tight like the roots of a tree. You don't know until you're ready to go that you can't move, that you would have to mutilate yourself in order to be free. That's the feeling. It doesn't last, at least it doesn't have to. But it holds on like a steel claw in your chest. Even if the tree dies, the roots cling to you. I've seen men and women give up everything for love that once was.”
Walter Mosley
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“Your people have lost the vision and vitality of your ancestors (73).”
Walter Mosley
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“But at night we began dreaming of Man's perfect world without humanity (57)”
Walter Mosley
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“...I think it's some kind of meeting of energies that causes what we see, and that part of those energies emanate from our lifeforces, our minds.”
Walter Mosley
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“We will be one step down from the Creator," she said, her olive-hued face tightening into an expression that she considered dramatic. "Imagining a world and then making it.”
Walter Mosley
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“You have made Commerce a god that weighs on humanity like a twenty-four-pound boil on a man's back (117-118)”
Walter Mosley
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“They want to hold on to you and your people. They have isolated the ones who might grow powerful and overthrow their debauched reign.”
Walter Mosley
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“I'm just a lie waiting to happen.”
Walter Mosley
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“Librarians are wonderful people, partly because they are, on the whole, unaware of how dangerous knowledge is. Karl Marx upended the political landscape of the twentieth century sitting at a library table. Still, modern librarians are more afraid of ingnorance than they are of the potential devastation that knowledge can bring. (p. 192)”
Walter Mosley
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“It was a regular family scene. All we had to do was clean up a few murders and a matter of international dope smuggling, then we could move next door to Donna Reed.”
Walter Mosley
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“Freedom is a state of mind, I said wondering where I'd heard it before, not a state of being. We are all slaves to gravity and morality and the vicissitudes of nature. Our genes govern us much more than we'd like to think. Our bodies can not know absolute freedom but our minds can, can at least try.”
Walter Mosley
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“A peasant that reads is a prince in waiting.”
Walter Mosley
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“The older you get the more you live in the past”
Walter Mosley
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“Science fiction [is] the kind of writing that prepares us for the necessary mutations brought about in society from an ever changing technological world and as a result. The mainstream hasn’t excluded SF; the mainstream has excluded itself. No one told Jules Verne he was a science fiction writer, but he invented the 20th century.”
Walter Mosley
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“I hit him more times than necessary but by then my actions were mostly chemical, like a soldier ant or a teenager in love.”
Walter Mosley
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“Not for the first time in my life I had made it to the top. For some reason this made me hanker for a chili dog with chopped onions under a blanket of processed American cheese.”
Walter Mosley
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“Mrs. Turner gripped my baby finger.It's amazing how a man can feel sex anywhere on his body.”
Walter Mosley
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“The great man say that life is pain," Coydog had said over eighty-five years before. "That mean if you love life, then you love the hurt come along wit' it. Now, if that ain't the blues, I don't know what is.”
Walter Mosley
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“If there's another writer, like Ross McDonald or Raymond Chandler, and all they're writing are mysteries, they won't be accepted," he said. "And that's problematic. A lot of so-called literary novels are just not very good. They're not well-written, they're not well-thought-out. They have pyrotechnics of intelligence."On the other hand, some of the best writers and speculative ideas are in science-fiction. The science-fiction genre is completely, completely segregated. And these people are writing good stuff. They're writing about where you're going, which means they're talking about where you are.”
Walter Mosley
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“Rest easy and go with the faith you lived with”
Walter Mosley
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“The government isn't real," he replied. He might have been talking about Santa Claus or God. "I don't owe anything to anyone who in themselves are lies and liars.”
Walter Mosley
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“I've always loved science fiction. I think the smartest writers are science fiction writers dealing with major things.” – Associated Press interview, 12-7-11”
Walter Mosley
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“Many & most moments go by with us hardly aware of their passage. But love & hate & fear cause time to snag you, to drag you down like a spider's web holding fast to a doomed fly's wings. And when you're caught like that you're aware of every moment & movement & nuance.”
Walter Mosley
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“I understood about fear. And I knew better than anyone in that room what Mouse was capable of. But still I had been raised in a place where to show your fear was worse than cowardice. It was suicide, a sin.”
Walter Mosley
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“We born dyin'...But you ask a man an' he talk like he gonna live forevah.”
Walter Mosley
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“That's how powerful you are, girl...You pretty, but pretty alone is not what people see. You the kinda pretty, the kinda beauty, that's like a mirror. Men and women see themselves in you, only now they so beautiful that they can't bear to see you go.”
Walter Mosley
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“You know, one of the interesting things you find about writing fiction is that any fiction you write has to be political. Otherwise, it goes into the realm of fantasy. So like, if you write about a woman in America in 1910, if you don’t write that she can’t really control her property, that she can’t—doesn’t have any say over her children, that she can’t vote—if you don’t put that in it, then it’s a fantasy. Like, well, how is her life informed? That’s true about everybody. If you write about black people, you write about white men, I mean, it has to be political. A lot of people don’t realize that, it seems.”
Walter Mosley
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“That’s how Ptolemy imagined the disposition of his memories, his thoughts: they were still his, still in the range of his thinking, but they were, many and most of them, locked on the other side a closed door that he’s lost the key for. So his memory became like secrets held away from his own mind. But these secrets were noisy things; they babbled and muttered behind the door, and so if he listened closely he might catch a snatch of something he once knew well.”
Walter Mosley
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“A man's bookcase will tell you everything you'll ever need to know about him," my father had told me more than once. "A businessman has business books and a dream has novels and books of poetry. Most women like reading about love, and a true revolutionary will have books about the minutiae of overthrowing the oppressor. A person with no books is inconsequential in a modern setting, but a peasant that reads is a prince in waiting.”
Walter Mosley
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“There was something about his grandfather's death, about men who love their sons . . .”
Walter Mosley
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“The life most of us live are lives we are forced to live by immediate needs, influences, and pressures.”
Walter Mosley
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“I think that people don't know how to do anything anymore. My father was a janitor. He could take a car apart and put it back together. He could build a house in the back yard. Today, if you ask people what they know, they say, 'I know how to hire someone.”
Walter Mosley
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“Mouse was the truest friend I ever had. And if there is such a thing as true evil, he was that too.”
Walter Mosley
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“We are not trapped or locked up in these bones. No, no. We are free to change. And love changes us. And if we can love one another, we can break open the sky.”
Walter Mosley
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“Better to listen to the gospel than to a mortal leader.”
Walter Mosley
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“The process of writing a novel is like taking a journey by boat. You have to continually set yourself on course. If you get distracted or allow yourself to drift, you will never make it to the destination. It's not like highly defined train tracks or a highway; this is a path that you are creating discovering. The journey is your narrative. Keep to it and there will be a tale told.”
Walter Mosley
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“These short stories are vast structures existing mostly in the subconscious of our cultural history. They will live with the reader long after the words have been translated into ideas and dreams. That's because a good short story crosses the borders of our nations and our prejudices and our beliefs. A good short story asks a question that can't be answered in simple terms. And even if we come up with some understanding, years later, while glancing out of a window, the story still has the potential to return, to alter right there in our mind and change everything.”
Walter Mosley
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“The first thing you have to know about writing is that it is something you must do everyday. There are two reasons for this rule: Getting the work done and connecting with your unconscious mind.”
Walter Mosley
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“If you want to be a writer, you have to write every day... You don't go to a well once but daily. You don't skip a child's breakfast or forget to wake up in the morning...”
Walter Mosley
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“The job of the writer is to take a close and uncomfortable look at the world they inhabit, the world we all inhabit, and the job of the novel is to make the corpse stink.”
Walter Mosley
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