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Watsuki Nobuhiro

“No, that's not the case at all. Shishio's logic dictates that the winner of a battle, in other words, the strong, is always correct that it does. If the truth could be discovered through fighting one or two battles, then we'd all be going through life without ever being wrong. A person's life isn't so simple a matter that it isn't. The true answer is something you find out yourself by how you live your life from this day onward that it is."-Kenshin”
Watsuki Nobuhiro
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“Although your decision to die is firm, your decision to become a god has caused you to suffer. You suffered, wondering why you couldn't cure Magdalia's illness, wondering why you weren't capable of saving her. All you wanted to do was protect your only sister, wasn't that it? Not in heaven, but here on Earth. You wanted to make Lady Maldaria happy more than anything else, didn't you? And so now, to avoid the guilt of your loved one dying at your expense, you're willing to die yourself. You've already come to this realization. You know you aren't god. You're just a fragile human being who's capable of feeling pain and having doubts. Go back to being an ordinary man and start all over again for the sake of those who look up to you."-Kenshin”
Watsuki Nobuhiro
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“Well, if you live long enough, you lose a lot. Just as long as you don't throw them away. Whatever you loose, you'll find again, but what you throw away you never get back.-Oibore (Enishi's dad) to Yahiko and Misao”
Watsuki Nobuhiro
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“Idiot. Which road do you take when you're running from something weaker than yourself? Or maybe you're the one looking for an excuse to back out.”
Watsuki Nobuhiro
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“The dead don't desire revenge, but the happiness of the livng. To dirty your small hands would bring joy to no one.-Kenshin to Eiji”
Watsuki Nobuhiro
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“In this world of memories, there's no need for strangers.-Kenshin to Kaoru”
Watsuki Nobuhiro
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“A man who can't uphold his beliefs is pathetic dead or alive - Hajime Saito”
Watsuki Nobuhiro
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“No matter how much you hate or how much you suffer, you can't bring the dead back to life”
Watsuki Nobuhiro
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“You can always die. It's living that takes real courage." - Himura Kenshin”
Watsuki Nobuhiro
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“New eras don't come about because of swords, they're created by the people who wield them. ”
Watsuki Nobuhiro
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