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Wayne E. Brickey

“The greatest blessings require that we immerse ourselves in our Father's words. To have the scriptures nearby and yet turn to other resources for solace and power is an enormous loss. For those who know better, it is a foolish error. "How could a person possibly become what his is not thinking?" asked Spencer W. Kimball. It's amazing what happens within us when we turn on the inside lights. To regularly immerse our minds in the thoughts of God himself is to make a wise investment in our personal growth. Scripture study prepares us for personal inspiration by training the heart.”
Wayne E. Brickey
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“My secret to happiness is to get off the racetrack every day. When I pray, I really pray. When I study the scriptures, I pay attention. At some point in this routine, I realized I was listening to the Spirit. It fills a spot in me that nothing else can reach. And, when I get back on the track, I have better judgment about how to spend my time.”
Wayne E. Brickey
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“Our day -- with its confusion and noise, its blurry, dark, and whirling pace - is much like a hurricane. The steadying voice is not found shouting above it all. Stability speaks in the quiet interior, "in the stillness" where prayer begins and the testimony of Christ is kept, that familiar chamber where we detect truth and where we chose to do the right thing.In that place of patient hearing, we find out what the Master would like us to do. There, we can avoid getting tangled in other things. There, we decide to do His short list of tasks. There, we resist adding to our marching orders, avoiding the tendency to dwarf His list with a longer list of our own.If we fail to listen in those depths, if we ignore the interior voice, if we indulge ourselves in self-appointed missions, we will soon complain that we have too many things to do. And then a hundred hours in a day will not be enough. The truth is, we don't need more time for doing things. We need more vision about what few things to do.”
Wayne E. Brickey
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“Unwise patterns, when continued too long, have a way of visiting us with regret in the long run.”
Wayne E. Brickey
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“Together with all such blessings, the faithful woman, dazzling in unspeakable beauty in the day of her resurrection, will be compensated for her patience and faith. It will be more than a hundred fold.”
Wayne E. Brickey
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