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Wayne Simmons

Wayne Simmons is a writer and journalist with several genre novels published in the UK, Germany, Spain, Turkey and North America.

His zombie novel, Flu, was serialised by Sirius XM's Book Radio.

His cyberpunk novel, Plastic Jesus, was described by the Guardian as 'a stunning read, but not for the faint hearted.'

Wayne is a regular contributor to Skin Deep Tattoo Magazine.

“This flu thing’s out of control,” Grady said, pointing his fork at the TV. “There’s talk of them doing quarantines.”“Quarantines?”“Yeah, like going into towns where infection rates are high and locking the place down. That sort of thing.”Ciaran laughed. “You watch too much sci-fi, mate…”
Wayne Simmons
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“There wasn’t much to coo at when driving along a post-apocalyptic motorway. A stalled vehicle here, a mini pile-up there.”
Wayne Simmons
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