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Wendy Brown-Baez

Wendy Brown-Báez is the author of the inspirational writers’ guidebook Heart on the Page: A Portable Writing Workshop, a novel Catch a Dream, and the poetry books Ceremonies of the Spirit and transparencies of light. Her poetry and prose appear widely in literary journals and anthologies, such as Mizna, Wising Up Press, The Feminine Collective, Poets & Writers, Talking Writing, Water~Stone Review, Peregrine and Tiferet. Wendy was awarded McKnight and MN State Arts Board grants to teach creative writing in non-profits. She facilitates creative writing and memoir in community spaces such as healing centers, schools, libraries, cafes, prisons, churches, women’s retreats, yoga studios, and arts organizations. Wendy is a community editor with the Saint Paul Almanac and a member of the Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop. www.wendybrownbaez.com

“We must sit on the rim of the well of darknessand fish for fallen lightwith patience.--Pablo Neruda”
Wendy Brown-Baez
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