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Wendy Laharnar

I'm an Australian who enjoys writing, reading, travel and family. My husband and I live by the sea with our adorable mini Schnauzer. Our two grown children have their own families now and we cherish the time we spend with them.

Writing The Unhewn Stone took up a great deal of time and kept me in 14th century Switzerland for years. Now I'm trying to write a modern day mystery closer to home, but an earlier wip is drawing me back to the dense, dark forests where witches, dragons and elves are tempted to cross a forbidden boundary. I'm torn between the two.

In the meantime I edit a free monthly ezine designed to promote authors and entertain readers. If you have a movie review, pet or travel experience you'd like to share, I'll be more than happy to publish it and add a link to your book and website.

“True liberty means limiting your own, when it affects the liberty of others." Stefan Gessler – The Unhewn Stone”
Wendy Laharnar
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