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Werner A. Lind

Werner A. Lind was raised in eastern Iowa. A graduate of Clinton (Iowa) Community College and of Bethel College in North Newton, Kansas, he also holds master's degrees from Eastern Mennonite Univ. in Harrisonburg, Virginia and from Indiana State Univ. Formerly a college teacher and public librarian, he and his wife Barb now live in Bluefield, Virginia, where he has been a librarian at Bluefield Univ. since 1992. They have three daughters. His short fiction, book reviews, and scholarly articles have been published in various periodicals, and he has twice won prizes for his work in fiction. Lifeblood is his first novel.

“Yea, v-verily, she answered, understanding his thought though not his idiom and speaking without - she hoped - noticeable hesitation. "Methought I saw a serpent moving in the grass yonder, but now I see 'twas but the stirring of the breeze." She slid her hands under the paper bag in her lap to hide their trembling.Ana Vasilifata”
Werner A. Lind
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“I think your hair could blow every which ways in a high wind and still look pretty," he answered, then dropped his gaze and cleared his throat. "Uh, well, are you ready to go?" he added in a brisker tone."Joshua”
Werner A. Lind
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“The intensity of her pleasure at this compliment surprised her, and she dropped her eyes. "I but wear the only dress I own, and I misdoubt whether mine hair be well-combed even now.”
Werner A. Lind
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“Foul, misbegotten mound of walking donkey dung!”
Werner A. Lind
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