Wes Locher has written video games for developers such as FableLabs (Serious Weirdness, 2018), Based on the Play (Re*Sequenced, 2018), Nanobit Software (Lost in Fame, 2017), Pulsetense Games (Post-War Dreams, 2017), and Pocket Gems Games (Future: Uncertain, 2015). His comic books have been published in the USA, UK, and Canada by Alterna Comics (Unit 44, 2017), Titan Comics (Adrift, 2015), Markosia Enterprises (The Undoubtables, 2014), Arcana Studios (Chambers, 2013), and many others. He's the author of the nonfiction book Braving Britannia: Tales of the Life, Love, and Adventure in Ultima Online , and a collection of humorous essays called Musings on Minutiae, published in 2010.
Wes’s father was a journalist. His mother was an English teacher. Wes is genetically doomed to write for all eternity.
Visit him online at www.weslocher.com.