W.H.D. Rouse photo

W.H.D. Rouse

Rouse is known for his plain English prose translations of Homer's ancient Greek epic poems Odyssey (1937) and Iliad (1938). He is also recognized for his translations of Plato's Dialogues, including The Republic, Apology, Crito, and Phaedo.

William Henry Denham (W. H. D.) Rouse (30 May 1863 – 10 February 1950) was a pioneering British teacher who advocated the use of the Direct Method of teaching Latin and Greek.

Born in Calcutta, India on 31 May 1863, Rouse gained a double first in the Classical Tripos at the University of Cambridge, where he also studied Sanskrit. He became a Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge in 1888.

After brief spells at Bedford School and Cheltenham College, he became a schoolmaster at Rugby School, where he encouraged Arthur Ransome - against his parents' wishes - to become a writer. Ransome later wrote, "My greatest piece of good fortune in coming to Rugby was that I passed so low into the school ... that I came at once into the hands of a most remarkable man whom I might otherwise never have met. This was Dr W.H.D. Rouse."

Rouse was appointed headmaster of The Perse School, Cambridge, in 1902. While in charge, he restored it to a sound financial footing following a crisis. As a teacher he believed firmly in learning by doing as well as seeing and hearing: although the curriculum at the Perse was dominated by classics, he urged that science should be learned through experiment and observation. He was a strong personality, described by the archivist of The Perse School as the school's greatest Headmaster: "Rouse was strongly independent to the point of eccentricity. He hated most machines, all bureaucracy and public exams." He retired from teaching in 1928.

In 1911, Rouse started a successful series of summer schools for teachers to promulgate the Direct Method of teaching Latin and Greek. The Association for the Reform of Latin Teaching (ARLT) was formed in 1913 as a result of these seminars. Also in 1911, James Loeb chose W. H.D. Rouse, together with two other eminent Classical scholars, T. E. Page and Edward Capps, to be founding editors of the Loeb Classical Library.

Rouse died in Hayling Island on 10 February 1950.

Obituary: The Association for Latin Teaching

“My heart is hardy, for I have suffered much on the seas and the battlefield: this will be only something more. But a ravenous belly cannot be hid, damn the thing. It gives a world of trouble to men, makes them fit out fleets of ships and scour the barren sea, to bring misery on their enemies.”
W.H.D. Rouse
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