Whiskey Britches photo

Whiskey Britches

Whiskey lacked

this is true

Just ask anyone

that he knew

Foot in mouth

wherever tread

and courage flown south

(Dread! Dread! Dread!)

Friend to none

seeking fewer

He saw life as

an infinite sewer

"Life is only full of sadness and pain!"

he often would exclaim

"But there is so much more!"

many did implore

Targeting the gutter

and there he did hit

His mother muttered

"Well, shit"

But he truly met his demise

in a devil with angel's eyes

Who quickly put him in his place

having only to wear black lace

Now pummeled in Hell

where he'll forever dwell

He often wonders why

his soul is condemned to eternally fry

After all

he thought he was such a good guy

“It comes and it goes, but mostly it goes.”
Whiskey Britches
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“Ayn Volk, Ayn Reich, Ayn Rand!”
Whiskey Britches
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“I don't want to win a trip to fucking Sandals!”
Whiskey Britches
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“The spirits of your dead ancestors are watching you masturbate.”
Whiskey Britches
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“I'm so bitter right now that if the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse showed up I'd give them directions.”
Whiskey Britches
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“Self-preservation is a biological imperative even in the lowest of life forms, but annoyance is a trait exclusive to the most deviant.”
Whiskey Britches
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“I might be lying, but that did happen.”
Whiskey Britches
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