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Will Christopher Baer

Will Christopher Baer is an American author of noir fiction, often delving into sex, violence, mystery and erotica. Currently published works include Kiss Me, Judas, Penny Dreadful and Hell's Half Acre, all of which have since been published in the single volume Phineas Poe. His long-awaited fourth novel, Godspeed, was originally set to be published in 2006, but saw several delays before publisher MacAdam/Cage finally announced a release date of July 2009. The novel has since been delayed indefinitely. He shares a fan base with fellow authors Craig Clevenger and Stephen Graham Jones.

Born in Mississippi in 1966. As a child, he lived in Montreal and Italy. He attended highschool in Memphis, TN and moved on to attend Tulane University in New Orleans, LA but he soon dropped out. However, he received a B.A. at Memphis State. He then headed west in 1990 and lived in Portland & Eugene Oregon for several years. He received an MFA in 1995 from Jack Kerouac School at Naropa Institute in Boulder, CO. He has lived in California since 1996, primarily in the Bay Area and L.A.

“Arms and legs thrashing. The hammer of blood.I’m coming, says Jude. And holds her breath. Orgasm is brief, nonviolent. What color? I say Devastating blue, she says. The pale blue eyes of a murdered boy. Very nice. You remembered, she says. Jude comes in colors. How could I forget. Trembling blond orgasms that seem to piss her off and rare pink orgasms that never end. Chemical red orgasms that fill her with guilt and perfect orgasms black as fresh earth. Orgasms shadowy and gray that may or may not cause her to weep and orgasms the color of bruised skin, orgasms that fade from purple to yellow and remain visible for days.”
Will Christopher Baer
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“The digital sunset always looks better than the real thing, always. Because a sunset generated by the basic package of yellow sun and blue sky is unreliable. Today it may be stunning, hypnotic. Tomorrow it may be lifeless and dull, a white sky scorched with yellow. Tomorrow the sky will be velvet.”
Will Christopher Baer
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“I have saved no one but myself and now I watch for the other universe to unravel in my skull, for the sky to become my own skin and fill with stars.”
Will Christopher Baer
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“All superheroes had pretty much the same problem. Batman was flash and sexy compared to Bruce Wayne and even Robin was a lot cooler than Dick Grayson. As for Superman, well. It was a fucking miracle that Clark Kent had never committed suicide.”
Will Christopher Baer
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“...men are much softer than women, more sentimental. They cry at the movies and pretend not to. The male of the species is weak. He doesn’t tolerate pain well.”
Will Christopher Baer
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“I crouch beside her bed and stumble through the only prayer I know: now I lay me down to sleep and pray the Lord my soul to keep. It's a appropriate, I think. And still I feel worthless. I want to comfort her, to chase her fears into the snow. But sympathy is buried in me, like a stone in the belly of a goat. And the goat is the rare animal that will eat garbage. I hold her hand until she falls asleep, then steal fifty dollars from her purse.”
Will Christopher Baer
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“Disappear, she says. I love that word.”
Will Christopher Baer
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“Which do you prefer, she says. Sex or Violence?I try to smile. What's the difference, really.”
Will Christopher Baer
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“I am so stupid, so easily fooled. It's really almost funny. If I could lift a finger I would gladly kill myself.”
Will Christopher Baer
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“He has the expression of someone who wishes the rain would stop.”
Will Christopher Baer
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“I'm cold, Religiously cold.”
Will Christopher Baer
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“I'm going to kill Jude this afternoon for fun, then eat my own putrid kidney for dinner.”
Will Christopher Baer
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“A friend is like anything else. A dog, a plant. You ignore them and they tend to die on you.”
Will Christopher Baer
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“Love is like a reptile, you cut off its tail and it grows another one." Kiss Me Judas”
Will Christopher Baer
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“And my life went to pieces, like a love letter in the rain.”
Will Christopher Baer
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“Sorrow is like the ocean and sometimes I wish my heart would stop. ”
Will Christopher Baer
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“Anything you can imagine is probably true. And the worst you can imagine is probably worth money.”
Will Christopher Baer
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“Reality is in the business of killing off fiction.”
Will Christopher Baer
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“Multiple personalities. Don't freak out but I'm pretty sure I have them. Not a clinical thing, not a disease. But a distraction to be sure. There are maybe six or seven pretty concrete versions of myself knocking around in here and I mean it gets fucking crowded when everybody is drunk or talking at once.”
Will Christopher Baer
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“I think of animals in cages, pressed close against each other.”
Will Christopher Baer
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