William Allingham photo

William Allingham

William Allingham was an Irish poet, diarist and editor. He wrote several volumes of lyric verse, and his poem 'The Faeries' was much anthologised; but he is better known for his posthumously published Diary, in which he records his lively encounters with Tennyson, Carlyle and other writers and artists.

Librarian Note: For the English physician go to William Allingham.

“Up the airy mountain,Down the rushy glen,We daren't go a-huntingFor fear of little men.”
William Allingham
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“Round the world and home again, that's the sailor's way!”
William Allingham
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“By the craggy hill-side,Through the mosses bare,They have planted thorn-treesFor pleasure here and there.If any man so daringAs dig them up in spite,He shall find their sharpest thornsIn his bed at night.”
William Allingham
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