is a philosopher, writer, translator and interpreter of classical Islamic philosophical and mystical texts. He is best known for his work on Rumi and Ibn 'Arabi, and has written extensively on the school of Ibn 'Arabi, Islamic philosophy, and Islamic cosmology.
“insanları insan kılan şey, türe konulmuş özel biyolojik, toplumsal ve tarihsel sınırlamalar değil; onlara verilmiş Sonsuz'a ve Mutlak'a nüfuz etme olgusudur”
“Saul der ki:"Modern dünya dev bir tahrip makinesidir. İnsanın varoluşunda görülmekte; rasyonel yöntemlerin meyvesi, savaşlarla dolu bir y.y.dır. Bireylerin her karanlık olayı bir bakıma beklenmedik bir şey veya bu konuda sonuncusu imiş gibi ele almak suretiyle, kendilerini sürekli sıkıştıran, açık zorbalık ve dehşete dikkatli biçimde arkalarını döndükleri başka bir çağ düşünmek güçtür”
“For such people, the ruling gods are progress, science, and development. They imagine that we know so much more about the world than those people of olden times, because "we" have science. Of course, they themselves do not have science, they have simply heard and believed that scientific knowledge is real knowledge. They know little about the goals and methods of science, and nothing about the Islamic Intellectual tradition. They are blind imitators in intellectual issues, that is, on the level where they should be striving for their own understanding. What is worse, this is a selective imitation, since they only accept the authority of the "scientists" and the "experts", not that of the great Muslim thinkers of the past. If Einstein said it, it must be true, but if Al-Ghazali or Mulla Sadra said it, then it can't be true, because it isn't scientific.”