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William Carr Peel

William Carr Peel, ThM, is president of Foundations for Living, a 501c3 organization committed to helping men and women discover their purpose and potential, and impact their everyday world for Christ. He has trained thousands of leaders and coached hundreds of individuals to discover their calling and reach their God-given dreams.

He is a consultant to churches and organizations, including the Christian Medical and Dental Associations and His Church at Work. He has authored seven books and three video series. He speaks frequently at churches and conferences around the world, and has been a guest on Focus on the Family, Moody Broadcasting Network, and many other programs. In his warm yet challenging style, he delivers real encouragement and practical exhortation that helps people:

* Discover and follow their destiny

* Recognize the presence of God in their everyday lives

* Uncover their potential and purpose in life

* Make their life count for God seven days a week

* Be a witness without witnessing

* Draw interest to, rather than fire for their faith in the workplace

* Become the husbands, fathers, wives and mothers God intended them to be

Bill loves to encourage and build into the lives of men, and for the last 25 years has focused a great deal of his ministry toward men. He served several years on Promise Keepers’ leadership training faculty and national speakers’ team. His book, What God Does When Men Pray, a Silver Medallion winner, was Promise Keepers’ first study guide and has sold over 200,000 copies.

As the former director of the Paul Tournier Institute, Peel co-authored the highly successful, “Saline Solution” continuing medical education course with his friend Dr. Walt Larimore. Together they've taught thousands of healthcare professionals around the world how to effectively communicate faith issues to their patients.

In the award-winning Going Public with Your Faith, Bill and Dr. Larimore translate this course into principles the average worker can use to impact his or her workplace with the gospel. According to reviews, this book “flies in the face of almost everything you’ve been taught about evangelism.” Bill, who doesn’t consider himself a gifted evangelist, says, “If Christians can grasp how simple it is to actually be a witness to their co-workers and understand how truly interested God is in their daily work, I believe we would see revival in our land.”

Bill received his bachelor's degree from Southern Methodist University and earned a masters degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. He and his wife Kathy have three adult sons and live in Dallas, Texas.

And did we mention he loves to fly fish.

“Unfortunately, some Christians don't look much different from non-Christian coworkers. They talk the same, have the same work habits, compromise on the same issues, and entertain themselves in the same ways as those who have never met God personally. In some cases, the only difference between Christians and non-Christians is where they spend an hour or son on Sunday morning.”
William Carr Peel
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