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Willow Aster

Willow Aster is a USA Today Bestselling Author of emotional, angsty love stories with a side of quirk. She is co-writer of The End of Men series with Tarryn Fisher and co-writer of the G.D. Taylors series with Laura Pavlov.

Website: http://www.willowaster.com/

Facebook Author page: https://www.facebook.com/willowastera...

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/willowaster/

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“My hope is that what has gone before is only the introductory chapter of our love story. There are more memories to be made. ~ Ian”
Willow Aster
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“You are in me. In the deepest part of me. Deeper than my memories, my unconscious thoughts. Deeper than my ever-changing emotions. You are in the place right next to where I keep my faith in God (a faith that I won't let go of now, in spite of it being shaken many times, from without and within). You're deep in me.”
Willow Aster
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“My life didn't begin until you breathed into it. ~ Ian”
Willow Aster
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“I seem to draw the crazies like a moth to a flame. Ian says the bugs come to the light.”
Willow Aster
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“Um, Sparrow...did I really hear you say dagnabbit?”
Willow Aster
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“I'm not used to people saying exactly what they think. Filtered talk is as popular as filtered water these days.”
Willow Aster
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“With shaking hands, I hold the letter and slide my back down the wall until I'm on the floor. My tears drop on what he's written, leaving blurred ink in its place. I cry for everything that's lost. I cry that he gave up. I cry for the anger in his words. I cry that he's found someone that has made him consider letting me go. I cry for the day I ever met him and thought I could handle someone like him. I cry that the girl he met that day in the restaurant is long gone.And I cry because I don't know what to do with this person that's left.”
Willow Aster
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“Ian Sterling has ruined me. And he's ruined me for anyone else.”
Willow Aster
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“I still love you, too, Ian. It just doesn't mean anything anymore.”
Willow Aster
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“So what is your middle name?""O. That's my middle initial.""Hmmm. It's probably something hideous like Orville, that would be so funny...Oh...it's not really...Orville. Is it?"He nods."Nooooooo!"He nods again."I'm so sorry. I can't believe that. It's not hideous...but really? Why would your mama do that to you? I mean-" I give up because now he's wiping his eyes and it really is too funny.”
Willow Aster
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“I can trip falling UP the stairs. I can trip over nothing. My own two feet are fully capable of betraying me without any warning. They're vicious, really.”
Willow Aster
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“I like to read them and write them," I say shyly. Hello, my name is Sparrow and I am a nerd.”
Willow Aster
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“This really is crazy. All I know is he makes me feel things I've never felt and I don't care--he might be all wrong for me, but I don't care!”
Willow Aster
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“I suppose I might never have known or believed that love could be so strong if I hadn't seen it dragged through this hell. Now I know that love can truly endure anything.”
Willow Aster
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“You may have to break this heart before you can use it. You may have to take it apart and start all over with me. I know it hurts to change, but I don't want to stay the same. Take me. Break me. Do whatever it takes to make me what you need me to be”
Willow Aster
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“My heart will always beat your name”
Willow Aster
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“He looks sleepy and obscene; I want to slap him and wrap my arms and legs around him and breathe his air…- Sparrow”
Willow Aster
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“Wherever people go to find peace - that's what I find in the ocean.”
Willow Aster
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“You're impossible.You're delectable.You're incorrigible.You're edible.I sigh, frustrated and turned on.You know it's true. He inches closer.No, I can't really say that I do.Well, I can.”
Willow Aster
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“It's a half-moon tonight and it's shinin' half-bright as if the sky could understand the way I feel inside-Half of me is livin' half a world from here, half of me is dyin', cryin' one lonely tear silently in the half-moon light Sparrow. Nothing will be completely right until you're with me.”
Willow Aster
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“I just want you to know...that if you didn't get me a single present...the way you love me would be more than enough.”
Willow Aster
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“I've never been at home anywhere, but I am with you.”
Willow Aster
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“If you were looking for a sign from heaven, baby, I’d say they’re all around you. Take note.”
Willow Aster
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“Aren’t you worn out from running?” His lips follow a tear down my neck, and then he brushes my face with his hand. “I don’t want to live without you another day. I’m begging you for another chance. Please.”
Willow Aster
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“He reaches over and grabs my hand and laces our fingers together. "You're gonna break my heart, Sparrow Fisher." And I think, not before you break mine.”
Willow Aster
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“I've been looking for you, his eyes are saying.You've found me now, I'm certain my eyes are saying.”
Willow Aster
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“Never hesitate to tell the truth. It's the only way it will be any good.”
Willow Aster
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“Little Bird, our love has been hard-earned from the very beginning. It is more precious to me than anything on earth. I can't just let go of it. And I won't stop fighting for it." ~ Ian”
Willow Aster
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“Love is enough.Love does conquer all.Love really does always protect, trust, hope, persevere...”
Willow Aster
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“You’re going to break my heart, Sparrow Fisher.” And I think, Not before you break mine.”
Willow Aster
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