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Winston Graham

Winston Graham was the author of forty novels. His books have been widely translated and the Poldark series has been developed into two television series, shown in 22 countries. Six of Winston Graham's books have been filmed for the big screen, the most notable being Marnie, directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Winston Graham was a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature (FRSL) and in 1983 was invested an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE). In his death, he left behind a son and daughter.

“A vida é a mesma coisa que se ficar num hospício de loucos", pensei. "Cada um vai circulando, imerso e afogado em suas próprias desilusões, sem que ninguém veja. A pessoa vai abrindo caminhos pelas celas, passando por entre os companheiros atormentados, rumo àquele que parece o único mentalmente são". Era exatamente o que eu estava fazendo agora.”
Winston Graham
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“When you bring an idealised relationship down to the level of an ordinary one it isn't necessarily the ordinary one that suffers'.”
Winston Graham
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