Wisdom photo


See also Linda Wisdom

When I sold to Silhouette books on my wedding anniversary in 1979 I didn't expect to get this far. I love what I do and can't imagine doing anything else. I'm married living with Katie, a white mini Schnauzer who considers herself the center of our world, Hunter, a Yorkie mix who's a real mama's boy, Olivia my darling diva chihuahua, Dutch, our easy going happy go lucky terrier mix, Syd, our Panama Nape parrot, and Florence, our demented tortoise. We live in Southern California near San Diego in a town that's provided fodder for some of my stories. Once upon a time, I could say that when we moved here there were three romance writers. Now there is only me and to date I have not been considered a suspect. More romance authors have moved in and are safe and sound...so far.

A lot of my backlist books are now available for your Kindle and in print along with new novellas featuring the first witches in the Hex series along with my second love, romantic suspense books. And more books coming!

My Hex series are the books of my heart. The ones I've wanted to write for a long time and so glad to see out there. Many readers are confused by the two Demon titles and different cover looks. They're a part of the Hex series, still the disgraced witches from the Witches Academy, just with a different look. And yes, more Hex books will be coming!

There are times I think I enjoy writing the creatures more than the characters. And probably why my Fluff and Puff bunny slippers tend to never be where I left them! That's more than easy to do since they're tattooed on one ankle and Horace is tattooed on the other.

I'm very thankful for my readers for sticking to me.

I can also be found at www.lindawisdom.com, www.facebook.com/lindawisdom with a Facebook street team called Hexy Haven and http://linda-wisdom.blogspot.com

“Everyone is like a moon , and he has a dark side which he never shows to anybody .”
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“A breakup is like a broken mirror . It is better to leave it alone than hurt yourself trying to fix it .”
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“Spoonfeeding in the long run teaches you nothing but the shape of the spoon .”
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“When you choose a behavior , you choose the consequences .”
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“not to decide is to decide .”
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“You can't change what you don't acknowledge.”
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