Wolfgang Hohlbein photo

Wolfgang Hohlbein

Wolfgang Hohlbein is a German author of science fiction, fantasy and horror fiction who lives near Neuss, North Rhine-Westphalia. His wife, Heike, is also a writer and often works with her husband. She often comes up with the story ideas and therefore is generally credited as co-author. Their daughter, Rebecca, is also a writer.

Writing short stories since age 15, Hohlbein was first recognized as an author after sending in a manuscript he and his wife had written at a fantasy and science fiction writing contest in 1982. They won and their book, Märchenmond (English title: "Magic Moon"), was published by Ueberreuter Publishing, soon becoming a bestseller and winning several awards. It is one of their greatest successes till today.

Many of his more than 200 books are translated and published in many European countries as well as in South Korea. Yet for many years none of his works had been translated into English. In 2006, Magic Moon was translated into English and published in the United States.

“Mas o que é a loucura? O que vale a vida de uma pessoa? Porventura a tua tem mais valor que a minha ou a minha menos que a do teu amigo? - Será que tens mais direito à vida que o homem de que salvei?”
Wolfgang Hohlbein
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“Para quê lutar por um mundo melhor se não houver ninguém para nele viver?”
Wolfgang Hohlbein
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