Youssef Ziedan photo

Youssef Ziedan

(Arabic: يوسف زيدان)

Director of the Manuscript Center/Museum, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

Professor of Philosophy and History of Science.

Awards and Grants:

- 2009 International Prize for Arabic Fiction (IPAF) In Association with the Booker Prize Foundation

- Imam Muhammad Madi Abul-‘Aza’im Award in the field of Islamic studies in 1995.

- ‘Abdul-Hamid Shuman Prize in the field of social studies in 1996 for his book Fawā’ih al-Jamāl wa Fawā’ih al Jalāl- ‘Fragrance of Beauty & Revelations of the Magestic’ by Nijm al-Dīn Kubrā.

- A special Award from the International Academy of Learning in 1996 for his academic corpus.

“أنا لن أكون أبا أبدا ،ولن تكون لي زوجة وأبناء.لن أعطى هذا العالم أطفالا ليعذبهم كما تعذبت،فلا طاقة لي لاحتمال عذاب طفل.”
Youssef Ziedan
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