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Yunus Emre

“Don't let me wander from Your love,Don't let me leave Your door,And if I lose myself,Let me find myself with You.”
Yunus Emre
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“I am the drop that contains the ocean”
Yunus Emre
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“Hak cihâna tolıdur kimseler Hakk’ı bilmez / Anı sen senden iste o senden ayru olmaz.”
Yunus Emre
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“Sufilere sohbet gerek Ahilere ahret gerek Mecnunlara Leyla gerek Bana seni gerek seni”
Yunus Emre
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“To love the world is to be afflicted.”
Yunus Emre
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“I tried to make sense of the Four Books,until love arrived,and it all became a single syllable.”
Yunus Emre
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