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Yushekia Mason

Yushekia is a Jasper, TX native whose love for storytelling became a passion for writing when she was forced to deal with the tragic shooting and paralysis of her 21 year old baby brother, Xavier Spikes. Her stories evoke every emotion and make you feel as if you are living in the moment with her characters. The electricity in her writing strikes from every angle. She is a mother, student, and co-founder of the Xavier Spikes Foundation, an organization dedicated to helping victims of spinal cord injuries and their families cope with such a drastic life change. A portion of the proceeds from this book will benefit her foundation.Yushekia is currently working on the sequel to A Bruised Heart. Be on the lookout!

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“The truth does 2 things: either hurts or sets you free. It's up to you to decide which one!”
Yushekia Mason
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