Yvonne Pierre is a survivor who has overcome years of childhood sexual abuse, rape and the murder of her father that led to self-destructive behavior at an early age. But after several wake-up calls, Yvonne was determined to turn her life around and obtained her education after graduating from an alternative school. She now holds four degrees: two Associates in Accounting and Business Management, a Bachelors in Marketing and an Executive Masters of Business Administration (MBA). Originally from Gary, Indiana, Yvonne Pierre presently resides in Metro Atlanta, Georgia. Yvonne continues her tireless efforts to uplift and inspire, as well as advocate through projects for the special needs community. Yvonne has written a book, "The Day My Soul Cried" available on Amazon. She’s the proud mom of two sons; the youngest was diagnosed with Down syndrome after birth. She has also written, produced and directed the stage play “Then You Stand” and penned the award-winning short film, “Never Alone” through the Studio 11 Films, 11Eleven11 Project. She has also launched “Have Ya Heard” (http://hyhonline.wordpress.com) in 2005 and hosting her own syndicated talk show, “The Yvonne Pierre Show” which she launched in 2007 on Blogtalkradio.com/ypierre. Yvonne Pierre is an award-winning screenwriter, director, producer, playwright, and author of "The Day My Soul Cried".
“Holding on to weight (i.e. anger, bitterness, the past, hatred) will not only hold you back, but also block your blessings. You've got to let some things go to move forward.”
“My children taught me the true meaning of unconditional love.”
“My faith has strengthen. God has shown me through my son with Down syndrome to not take anything for granted. I'm more grateful.”
“Often people ask, "How can you say you're blessed to have a son with Down syndrome?" My outlook on life has forever changed. I see my own challenges differently. He's always showing me that life is so much bigger than self.”
“When the winds of life are pushing you back, THAT'S when you push forward the hardest.”
“God has ALREADY given you the strength you need, it's up to you to recognize that you were BORN a conqueror!”
“Even when you don't see Him working, He's busy working on your behalf. Forever grateful for God's grace!”
“There's something AMAZING about you. You owe it to yourself to fulfill your destiny. You were put on earth for a reason. Don't betray yourself because of other people opinions of who you should be. God has already implanted within you who you MEANT to be. Trust your gut instincts.”
“No matter what challenges or obstacles we experience, we must make a CHOICE to become better or bitter because of it. Will and pray your way through it. In my opinion, the difference between those who are considered strong and those who are seen as weak are what they DECIDE to focus on. But, having down moments don't make someone weak, it makes them human. We wouldn't be human if we don't "feel", but at some point we MUCH force ourselves to get up!”
“Use what you've been through as fuel, believe in yourself and be unstoppable!”
“Some people simply REFUSE to be happy. If they were stuck in a tunnel you can show them the way out and give them a light, but they will just sit there complaining about how they got there. They are more willing to fight to STAY there instead of fighting to coming out. Okay it happened. Now what? Stop focusing so hard on how you got there, focus on how you're going to get out! Keep it moving!”
“If your boss asks you to do a task... You'll stay late for work to make sure it's done. You'll be confident that your boss wouldn't have asked you if he/she didn't trust that you could do it. You wouldn't allow anyone or anything to distract you. No matter how hard it is, it's not an option, you'll find a way to make it happen. You'll not only find time, you'll try to get it done before the deadline. So, why when God gives you a task... you allow fear to consume you, find excuses, allow distractions, care about what people think and assume it's impossible? If He gave it to you, He trusts you CAN get it done. Yes, they'll be distractions. And no it's not going to be easy, but know that it is POSSIBLE!!! Answer the call!”
“Don't allow the fear of falling stop you from pursuing your dream. Prepare. Practice. Pray. Jump! It's through the fall that you'll realize you can to fly.”
“Recognize that there's something AMAZING about you. Everyone has something that comes very natural for them - natural gifts and talents. That gift/talent is that thing or things that comes easy for you, but hard for most. The greatness that is stored within was given to you, because it was meant to be used. Whether you've been running from it or haven't discovered it yet, it's there. It's your job to discover and master it. It wasn't given to you in vain, it's part of your purpose.”
“Before your reach your destination, you'll find yourself going through the wilderness. There's some survival skills that you'll need master through the wilderness journey. While in the wilderness, your faith will be tried and tested. You'll become humble. Your vision for your life will get clearer. You're in training for your purpose. You'll lose some friends, because there's some folks who are only with you because of where they think your journey will lead THEM. Don't worry, they're a little confused... but it was meant for them to get lost during this phase. Walk on. Continue on your journey. Soon, you'll be approaching the mountain. Get ready to climb!”
“The enemy uses those things your insecure about. Free yourself and take your power back by being secure in who you are - flaws and all.”
“When you focus on someone's disability you'll overlook their abilities, beauty and uniqueness. Once you learn to accept and love them for who they are, you subconsciously learn to love yourself unconditionally.”
“It's easy to point out other people flaws, but it takes TRUE courage and strength take a look in the mirror, admit personal flaws AND strive to do and be better. That's growth!”