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Zachary Taylor

Zachary Taylor, known as "Old Rough and Ready," served as an officer of Army against Black Hawk in 1832, in the second Seminole war of 1835 to 1842, and during the Mexican War from 1846 to 1848 as a national hero, who, elected as the twelfth president of the United States, died in 1850.

Antonio López de Santa Anna in the Mexican War lost several major battles of 1846 and 1847 to Zachary Taylor, general.

This American military commander stood in 1848 as the nominee of the Whig party but openly described his philosophy as Democratic like Thomas Jefferson. From gastroenteritis, Millard Fillmore succeeded him.

“I am not a party candidate, and if elected cannot be President of a party, but the President of the whole people.”
Zachary Taylor
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