Born in Switzerland, Oliver Frey a.k.a. Zack, ended up in London and, after supporting himself while attending the London Film School by illustrating war comics, he plunged into gay art and publishing. Innumerable illustrations poured from his pen and brush for British magazines HIM International, Vulcan, Teenage Dreams, the HIM Gay Library series, and Mister magazine. For HIM he created the mold-breaking Rogue comic strip and later The Street, which was part of the inspiration behind cult TV series Queer As Folk. His work has been seen widely through the medium of Gay Toons on the Internet (and in many blogs) and in several strips in America’s Meatmen books. He collaborates with his partner Roger Kean in creating illustrated fiction, the first available being Boys of Vice City, published by Bruno Gmünder. Recently, Gmünder published his comic-strip story compilations Bike Boy and Hot For Boys—The Sexy Adventures of Rogue. A third, Bike Boy Rides Again, is due in february 2012. He lives with his partner in a medieval town on the edge of Wales.
“Write and create what you really feel; it's the only way you can convince your audience that you're worth delving into.”