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Zibia Gasparetto

Zíbia Gasparetto (Campinas, July 29, 1926) is a Brazilian spiritualist writer who distinguished herself as a medium.

Of Italian descent, married the twenty years of age, with Aldo Luiz Gasparetto, with whom he had four children, including the television presenter Luiz Antonio Gasparetto.

Zíbia account that in 1950, already the mother of two children, she awoke one night with a tingling in the body. Then, would have raised and spent around the house like a man, speaking in German, a language unknown to him. The husband, surprised and frightened, turned to the aid of a neighbor, who, upon arriving at the family home, would have a prayer can restore Zíbia. The next day, Aldo Luiz went to a bookstore, where you purchased The Book of Spirits. Together they have begun to study the Spiritist Doctrine.

Aldo Luiz began to attend public meetings of the Spiritist Federation of São Paulo, but Zíbia could not accompany him because they do not have anyone leave the children. Weekly, however, did a study together at home, during which the medium says he began to feel a sharp pain in her right arm, from elbow to hand, which was moving from side to side, she could not control it. Aldo Luiz you put a pencil and paper to the front. Taking them, Zíbia have begun to write quickly. Over a few years, once a week, was so automatic writing his first novel, Love Won, signed by the named Lucius. [1]

When typed and ready, the medium referred the work to a history professor at USP, which at the time, ran a study group in Spiritist Federation. But only two weeks later came the answer in the form of warning about the choice of the work to be published by Editora LAKE.

Currently, the medium said writing the computer four times a week, each day a different work: conscious states hear a voice dictating to him the words of the text.

“Live a real experience of love is one of the greatest pleasures of life. It feels like the soul, but to express the feelings depends on the ideas of each. Constrain the love of our neurotic needs and we with him. Live a life trying to make others take responsibility for our needs as we recklessly abandon.We want to be loved and not love, we want to be understood and we do not understand, we want the support of others and we give our them. When we abandon ourselves, we want to find someone who will fill the hole that we dug. The dissatisfaction, emptiness turn on continual search for new relationships, the results will be repeated frustrating.Each is solely responsible for their own purposes. Only those who can find love in your life One Love Truth”
Zibia Gasparetto
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