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Zoey Dean

The author of The A-List series and How to Teach Filthy Rich Girls, which has been renamed and turned into a TV show known as Privileged on the CW in September 2008. Zoey Dean's books are produced by the media packager Alloy Entertainment, which created Gossip Girl, The Clique Series, and The A-List and sold them to Little, Brown and Company.

Zoey is currently working on The Talent series. She is also working on The A-List: Hollywood Royalty.

Zoey Dean divides her time between Beverly Hills, California, and her favorite small islands in the Caribbean.

See also: Cherie Bennett

“The whole what-goes-around-comes-around thing is simply our way of trying to make sense out of things that make no sense. Great stuff happens to bad people. Bad shit happens to good people. This is just the way it is.”
Zoey Dean
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“Belki de Scott'ın Cyn'i seksi bulup Anna'yı bulmamasının sebebi Anna'nın kendisini seksi bulmamasıydı. Cyn gibi çılgın ve vahşi maceralar yaşayamamasının sebebi bunlara açık olmamasıydı. Korkunç gerçek, on sekizine yaklaşmasına rağmen Anna'nın kabuğunu kıramamış olmasıydı.”
Zoey Dean
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“Meant to be?’ It's just something people say so that they don't have to look at all the things they did wrong and wish they could take back. Only by the time they figure that out, it's too late.”
Zoey Dean
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“You look hot. The straight men will want you, the gay men will want beauty tips, and the women will want to scratch your eyes out. If that isn't the stuff of fairy tales, I don't know what is.”
Zoey Dean
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“Listen," Mac interrupted, "you still have to knock it out of the park. But it's a degree-of-difficulty thing. You're doing a triple lutz and she's skating. You're the Sasha Cohen here.”
Zoey Dean
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“Life, love, boys—it was all about balance.~Anna Percy”
Zoey Dean
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“Mac's heart thumped against her gold, initaled locked. In fact fact, her heart hadn't beated that quickly since she was thirty seconds away from being the top bidder for vintage YSL lace-up heels on eBay. This was a coup.”
Zoey Dean
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“What does one wear when one goes to give one's father hell?”
Zoey Dean
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“Why is it that for everything you gain in life, something is always lost?”
Zoey Dean
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