Zoran Đinđić photo

Zoran Đinđić

Zoran Đinđić (Serbian Cyrillic: Зоран Ђинђић); 1 August 1952 – 12 March 2003) was a Serbian politician who was the Prime Minister of Serbia from 2001 until his assassination in 2003. He was the Mayor of Belgrade in 1997, and long-time opposition politician and a doctor in philosophy.

Đinđić attended Ninth Belgrade Gymnasium, subsequently enrolling at the University of Belgrade's Faculty of Philosophy, graduating in 1974.

In Germany, Đinđić obtained a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Konstanz in 1979. He became proficient in German. Later, while serving as Serbian prime minister, he also mastered English.

Đinđić was one of the original thirteen restorers of the modern Democratic Party and became its president in 1994. During the 1990s, he was one of the leaders of the opposition to the administration of Slobodan Milošević, and became the Prime Minister of Serbia in 2001 after the overthrow of Milošević. As Prime Minister, he advocated pro-democratic reforms and the European integrations of Serbia. He was assassinated in 2003 by Zvezdan Jovanović, a former-Special Forces operative who had ties to the Serbian Mafia.

“Moto koji me vuče napred je: nikada se ne predaj. Ako kreneš u preticanje, dodaj gas. Radi ono što smatraš da je ispravno, ne ono sto će većina da podrži”
Zoran Đinđić
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“Ja vas pozivam, vas pojedinačno - kada se probudite, probudite se veseli i recite evo ga još jedan dan, imam šansu da uradim nešto, a ne, kada se završi dan, hvala Bogu još jedan se dan završio. Život je čudo jedno dato nama... znate ... hoću nešto da vam kažem nešto... o čemu ja ponekad razmišljam - jedno ljudsko biće je jedan od 40 000 spermatozoida. Taj jedan je uspeo. Trideset i devet hiljada i devetsto nisu uspeli. Znači vi ste šampioni. Svako ko se rodio, on je već pobednik. On je već uspeo u odnosu na 40000 drugih.”
Zoran Đinđić
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