103 Spiritual Quotes For Inspiration

Sept. 24, 2024, 10:45 a.m.

103 Spiritual Quotes For Inspiration

In a world that often moves at a dizzying pace, finding moments of spiritual clarity can feel like a rare treasure. Spiritual quotes have a unique way of distilling profound wisdom into a few simple words, providing guidance, comfort, and inspiration when we need it most. That's why we've curated a collection of the top 103 spiritual quotes, each selected for its ability to resonate deeply and elevate your spiritual journey. Whether you're seeking peace, enlightenment, or a renewed sense of purpose, these timeless words can light the way.

1. “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 6:34” - Anonymous

2. “It is always the false that makes you suffer, the false desires and fears, the false values and ideas, the false relationships between people. Abandon the false and you are free of pain; truth makes happy, truth liberates.” - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

3. “You will begin to touch heaven, Jonathan, in the moment that you touch perfect speed. And that isn’t flying a thousand miles an hour, or a million, or flying at the speed of light. Because any number is a limit, and perfection doesn’t have limits. Perfect speed, my son, is being there.” - Richard Bach

4. “do it or don't do it but get on with it...” - J. Krishnamurti

5. “ Many of us are slaves to our minds. Our own mind is our worst enemy. We try to focus, and our mind wanders off. We try to keep stress at bay, but anxiety keeps us awake at night. We try to be good to the people we love, but then we forget them and put ourselves first. And when we want to change our life, we dive into spiritual practice and expect quick results, only to lose focus after the honeymoon has worn off. We return to our state of bewilderment. We're left feeling helpless and discouraged. It seems we all agree that training the body through exercise, diet, and relaxation is a good idea, but why don't we think about training our minds?” - Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche

6. “Teachers can be a living example to their students. Not that teachers should look for students to idealize them. One who is worth idealizing does not care whether others idealize them or not. Everyone needs to see that you not only teach human values but you live them. It is unavoidable sometimes you will be idealized -- it is better for children to have a role model, or goal, because then the worshipful quality in them can dawn.” - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

7. “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)” - Anonymous

8. “They never opened the door which leads to the soul.” - Henry Miller

9. “Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to your emotions.” - Elizabeth Gilbert

10. “Kita berada di jalan satu arah, mengantarkan kita dari kehidupan fisik temporer ke kehidupan roh yang abadi.” - Khalil A. Khavari

11. “I know you're tired but come, this is the way.” - Jalalu'l-din Rumi

12. “Beautiful tone, beautiful heart.” - Shinichi Suzuki

13. “For years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?” - Anne Graham

14. “The destiny of your soul is not predicated upon acceptance of a specific dogma that happens to be "correct." A loving God does not dole out eternal condemnation because one has selected the wrong doctrine or misinterpreted scripture. On the contrary, your endeavor to understand God and the nature of the universe is a testament to your devotion.” - Mark Ireland

15. “The circumstance of the mind is equivalent to the circumstance of your reality and a pure sign of the justification of the universe. Positive energy equals a positive well being and the manifestation of positive things thereof.Do you have the wherewithal to be positive? Do you hold the key to your destiny or the barrier to your dismay? Insightful are those with an open ear and an open heart to these principles. Are you on the right track? Whether you say yes or no to this question, your reality is a direct reflection.” - Will Barnes

16. “Mastery of self is the endless battle in which we must pursue our consciousness straight forward, and head over heels transmute all our focus on what it is ailing our immediate reality. Question yourself without pride and ego, step out of your shoes and look from the outside it. What do you see? What do you hear? This is the reflection our your energy, your absolute control source. Does it benefit you?” - Will Barnes

17. “Any task in life is easier if we approach it with the one at a time attitude. ... To cite a whimsical saying; 'If you chase two rabbits, both of them will escape.' No one is adequate to do everything all at once. We have to select what is important, what is possible, and begin where we are, with what we have. And if we beginand if we keep going the weight, the worry, the doubt, the depression will begin to lift .... We can't do everything always, but we can do something now, and doing something will help to lift the weight and lessen the worry, 'The beginning,' said Plato, 'is the most important part.” - Richard L. Evans

18. “the man and his wife were both naked, and were not ashamed.” - Anonymous

19. “God is not needed to create guilt or to punish. Our fellow men suffice, aided by ourselves. You were speaking of the Last Judgement. Allow me to laugh respectfully. I shall wait for it resolutely, for I have known what is worse, the judgement of men. For them, no extenuating circumstances; even the good intention is ascribed to crime. Have you at least heard of the spitting cell, which a nation recently thought up to prove itself the greatest on earth? A walled-up box in which the prisoner can stand without moving. The solid door that locks him in the cement shell stops at chin level. Hence only his face is visible, and every passing jailer spits copiously on it. The prisoner, wedged into his cell, cannot wipe his face, though he is allowed, it is true. to close his eyes. Well, that, mon cher, is a human invention. They didn't need God for that little masterpiece.” - Albert Camus

20. “Its easier to feel a little more spiritual with a couple of bucks in your pocket.” - Craig Ferguson

21. “When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.” - Hh the Dalai Lama

22. “By the grace of the Lady, whose face mirrors my own, may I ever remember I am made in her image, blessed and beautiful.” - Dianne Sylvan

23. “Say no to parking lots!” - John Bytheway

24. “Thus, we must realize that October 21, 2011 will be the final day of this earth’s existence.” - Harold Camping

25. “I always encourage them to practice in a way that will help them go back to their own tradition and get re-rooted. If they succeed at at becoming reintegrated, they will be an important instrument in transforming and renewing their tradition. ...When we respect our blood ancestors and our spiritual ancestors, we feel rooted. If we find ways to cherish and develop our spiritual heritage, we will avoid the kind of alienation that is destroying society, and we will become whole again. ... Learning to touch deeply the jewels of our own tradition will allow us to understand and appreciate the values of other traditions, and this will benefit everyone.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

26. “While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart.” - St. Francis Of Assisi

27. “Not my will, but thine, be done.” - Anonymous

28. “The most wonderful and the strongest things in the world, you know, are just the things which no one can see.” - Charles Kingsley

29. “Faith UP! Your purpose is GREATER than all your PROBLEMS.” - John Paul warren

30. “The soul, in its loneliness, hopes only for "salvation." And yet what is the burden of the Bible if not a sense of the mutuality of influence, rising out of an essential unity, among soul and body and community and world? These are all the works of God, and it is therefore the work of virtue to make or restore harmony among them. The world is certainly thought of as a place of spiritual trial, but it is also the confluence of soul and body, word and flesh, where thoughts must become deeds, where goodness must be enacted. This is the great meeting place, the narrow passage where spirit and flesh, word and world, pass into each other. The Bible's aim, as I read it, is not the freeing of the spirit from the world. It is the handbook of their interaction. It says that they cannot be divided; that their mutuality, their unity, is inescapable; that they are not reconciled in division, but in harmony. What else can be meant by the resurrection of the body? The body should be "filled with light," perfected in understanding. And so everywhere there is the sense of consequence, fear and desire, grief and joy. What is desirable is repeatedly defined in the tensions of the sense of consequence.” - Wendell Berry

31. “There is one power in the Universe and we can all use it.” - Ernest Holmes

32. “The person with a secular mentality feels himself to be the center of the universe. Yet he is likely to suffer from a sense of meaninglessness and insignificance because he knows he’s but one human among five billion others - all feeling themselves to be the center of things - scratching out an existence on the surface of a medium-sized planet circling a small star among countless stars in a galaxy lost among countless galaxies. The person with the sacred mentality, on the other hand, does not feel herself to be the center of the universe. She considers the Center to be elsewhere and other. Yet she is unlikely to feel lost or insignificant precisely because she draws her significance and meaning from her relationship, her connection, with that center, that Other.” - M. Scott Peck

33. “Then, O King! the God, so saying,Stood, to Pritha's Son displayingAll the splendour, wonder, dreadOf His vast Almighty-head.Out of countless eyes beholding,Out of countless mouths commanding,Countless mystic forms enfoldingIn one Form: supremely standingCountless radiant glories wearing,Countless heavenly weapons bearing,Crowned with garlands of star-clusters,Robed in garb of woven lustres,Breathing from His perfect PresenceBreaths of every subtle essenceOf all heavenly odours; sheddingBlinding brilliance; overspreading-Boundless, beautiful- all spacesWith His all-regarding faces;So He showed! If there should riseSuddenly within the skiesSunburst of a thousand sunsFlooding earth with beams undeemed-of,Then might be that Holy One'sMajesty and radiance dreamed of!” - Edwin Arnold

34. “Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, but worship is the greatest form of adoration.” - Jayce O'Neal

35. “Never forget those who helped you along the way” - Heather Richardson Hayton

36. “The Lord is much like the air around us. The air is all around us, it is everywhere. Even though we can't see it, it is there, we know it is there, because we are breathing. The Lord is everywhere too, you can't see Him, but He is there, we know He is there, because we are breathing. (Page 183)” - Raymond D. Reifinger III

37. “Forgiveness is the fastest way to a spiritual path and inner peace of mind” - Muhaya Haji Mohamad

38. “If I can put one touch of rosy sunset into the life of any man or woman, I shall feel that I have worked with God.” - G.K. Chesterton

39. “All earthly desires are but streams, but God is the ocean. ” - Jonathon Edwards

40. “It does not manifest so that you can believe in it. You believe in it so that it can manifest.” - Lauren Zimmerman

41. “I may be crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong. I'm mad but not ill.” - Malaclypse the Younger

42. “One should measure their life by the faith they embrace and the relationships they cherish” - John Paul warren

43. “I am the lover's gift; I am the wedding wreath;I am the memory of a moment of happiness;I am the last gift of the living to the dead;I am a part of joy and a part of sorrow.” - Gibran, Kahlil Gibran

44. “The little space within the heart is as great as the vast universe. The heavens and the earth are there, and the sun and the moon and the stars. Fire and lightening and winds are there, and all that now is and all that is not.” - Swami Prabhavananda

45. “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. (1 John 4:18) I came from a family of wonderful people who nevertheless struggled with how to be happy. There were many things we didn't know about living in peace. We mixed our love with fear. What I experienced in my childhood family seemed to color my life with confusion. I joined the Church at nineteen. Though my conversion was real, many of my emotions continued to be out of harmony with gospel teachings, and I didn't know what to do about them. I was not at rest. As a young mother I felt that I was only barely keeping my distress from leaking out. But it did leak out. I struggled to be cheerful at home. I was too often tense with my children, especially as their behavior reflected negatively on me. I was perfectionistic. I was irritable and controlling. But I was also loving, patient, appreciative, happy; I frequently felt the Spirit of the Lord, and I did many parenting things well, but so inconsistently. Sooner or later the crisis comes for good people who live in ignorance and neglect of spiritual law. The old ways don't work anymore, and it may feel as though the foundations of life are giving way. If we don't learn consistent, mature love in our childhood homes we often struggle to learn it when we become marriage partners and parents. ” - M. Catherine Thomas

46. “Unfortunately, most people never observe the natural cycle of birth and death. They do not realize that for one living thing to survive, another living thing must die.” - Temple Grandin

47. “[Poem: Slates of Grey]Sullen faces like slates of grey—What I’d seen on a walk today.Bodies rushing bodies boltingTime for life a disregarding.Money to make and to grow oldWhat about the hands to hold?Deadlines, projects, people to meetWhat about our own two feet.Sullen faces like slates of grey...What I’d see most anyday.” - Jess C. Scott

48. “When you plant a seed of love, it is you that blossoms.” - Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

49. “I hunger for filling in a world that is starved.” - Ann Voskamp

50. “*You are not yet in the Emerald Dream. First, you must remove your earthly shell...* the voice in his head instructed. *As you reach the state of sleep, you will slip your body off as you would a coat. Start from your heart and mind, for they are the links that most bind you to the mortal plane. See? This is how it is done...* - Chapter 4” - Richard A. Knaak

51. “Tuhan kan nggak mungkin langsung sedekah ke orang-orang, ya kalianlah sedekah duit kalau punya duit, sedekah ilmu, sedekah senyum.Masa sih kalau sudah gitu Tuhan gak bales cintamu? Tapi gak mungkin dia belai-belai langsung rambutmu, sentuh bibirmu.Maka Tuhan ciptakan “wakil”nya, yaitu pacarmu. Maka doalah, “Tuhan, semoga pacarku ini betul-betul orang yang kau pilihkan untukku.” - Sujiwo Tejo

52. “The ego lusts for satisfaction. It has a prideful ferocious appetite for its version of "truth". It is the most challenging aspect to conquer; the cause for most spiritual turmoil.” - T.F. Hodge

53. “The change most needed in our lives isn't change in our situations and relationships but in us. The thing God is most intent on rescuing us from is ourselves.” - Timothy Lane

54. “Great spiritual teachers throughout the ages have stated that orgasm is the closest some people come to a spiritual experience because of the momentary loss of self. Why is this true? Because with spiritual sex, you move beyond orgasm into a connection with yourself, your partner, and the divine — recognizing them all as one.” - Alexandra Katehakis

55. “Time and time again does the pride of man influence his very own fall. While denying it, one gradually starts to believe that he is the authority, or that he possesses great moral dominion over others, yet it is spiritually unwarranted. By that point he loses steam; in result, he falsely begins trying to prove that unwarranted dominion by seizing the role of a condemner.” - Criss Jami

56. “The great are strongest when they stand alone,A God-given might of being is their force.” - Sri Aurobindo

57. “Enjoy life with the woman whom you love all the days of your fleeting life which He has given to you under the sun; for this is your reward"...Ecclesiastes 9:9 (NASB)” - Anonymous

58. “You are not as insignificant as you have often been told, nor are you any more significant than you have often told yourself.” - Maureen Moss

59. “One guy, seeing that I was hungry, insisted on buying me a huge lunch and when I thanked him for his kindness, he simply said, 'Pass it on.' I liked this selfless concept - repay me by rewarding someone else entirely with a generous dollop of goodwill.” - Tony Hawks

60. “When you feel down and out you must reach up and out--to Spirit! Our strength will only resonate deep within your souls if you open your heart and minds with us.” - Jim Fargiano

61. “Since that day there is nothing anyone could ever say to convince me that one person cannot change a nation. One person can do unbelievable things. All it takes is that one person who's willing to risk everything to make it happen.” - Sam Childers

62. “Sex parties, alcohol and drugs lost their appeal to Sven after a while. Music never did, in his continual search for that sober connection--intimacy with one person over a long period of time, as opposed to periods of intimacy with a bunch of random faces.” - Jess C. Scott

63. “I keep hearing about a spiritual awakening, but I feel what we need instead, is a human one. It would be wonderful and empowering to become free from the disillusionment and nonsense being sold to us from gurus for centuries.” - Steve Maraboli

64. “ليس هناك ما هو أفظع من قهر الأحرار ، فقلوبهم التي تنبض بسلام .. أو تتدفق رحمة تصبح في لحظة اذلال براكين وشواظ من نار ونحاس ..وما الثورات التي تندلع كحرائق مجنونة إلا غضب مقدس يختار فيه الأحرار الفناء من أجل الكرامة ..” - كمال السيد

65. “Before you are beginning your first step, let's pray first.” - Marya Sy

66. “You and I were created by God to be so much more than normal…Following the crowd is not a winning approach to life. In the end it’s a loser’s game, because we never become who God created us to be by trying to be like everybody else.” - Tim Tebow

67. “To be alive, it seemed to me, as I stood there in all kinds of sorrow, was to be both original and reflection, and to be dead was to be split off, to be reflection alone.” - Teju Cole

68. “The problem is not that you have problems; the problem is that you see having problems as a problem.” - Maurice Makalu

69. “Let me say no more. Words do no justice to the hidden meaning. Everything immediately becomes slightly different when it is expressed in words, a little bit distorted, a little foolish...It is perfectly fine with me that what for one man is precious wisdom for another sounds like foolery.” - Hermann Hesse

70. “In relationship to God one can not involve himself to a certain degree. God is precisely the contradiction to all that is 'to a certain degree'.” - Søren Kierkegaard

71. “He made a story for all of them, a story to give them strength. The words of the story poured out of his mouth as if they had substance, pebbles and stone extending to hold the corporal up...knees from buckling...hands from letting go of the blanket.” - Leslie Marmon Silko

72. “أنا مُبتلَى بيـا نسبة نجاة معدومة في الميةمقطوم في القلب ناب يارب . . طبطب عليا” - أحمد العايدي

73. “God is taking a nap within my soul. I ponder whether to wake Him or not.” - Harley King

74. “The ice has to face the heatand melt to reach the Ocean.” - Ozay Oktay

75. “Thou art a manGod is no moreThy own humanityLearn to adore” - William Blake

76. “Whatever your desire, use Cosmic Ordering to get what you require!” - Stephen Richards

77. “Twenty years from now you will be disappointed you never used Cosmic Ordering today.” - Stephen Richards

78. “To fail is nothing, unless you continue to ignore Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

79. “The Islamic revolution in Iran is a positive development.At the same time, the Islamic revolution of Afghanistan, sprung exclusively fromspiritual roots, dealt a heavy blow to the communist regime in the former Soviet Union. In face of that revolution, the red Soviet empire had to concede that it is incapable, in spite of its military superiority, to defeat the Mujaheddin, whose main weapons were their right and their spiritual strength.Another quite new situation appeared as a consequence of the Islamic revolution in Iran, that destroyed the Zionist rule in that country and shook its foundations in that part of the world. Khomeini's letter to Gorbachev, in which he was inviting the latter to convert to Islam, had great symbolic power! What is new again is the movement of Islamic rebirth and the continuous decay of the strength of the colonial government bodies directed from afar by Israel in many Islamic countries.""The Islamic system has remained stable in Iran even after the death of Khomeini and the change in the person of the leader and of the leadership group the only one to remain stable in the entire Islamic world.On the contrary, the demise of the Shah meant at the same time the collapse of hisregime, his artificial form of government, and his army. All that went to the dust-bin ofhistory. The same fate awaits the other regimes that prevail in the muslim world. Israel knows that very well. She tries desperately to cause the wheel of history to stand still. However, any strike against Iran or against the growing Islamic movements, will cause the anger of the muslim masses to grow, and the fire of the Islamic revolution to ignite. Nobody will be able to suppress that revolution.” - Otto Ernst Remer

80. “(To The Youth) "...you know and everybody knows that life has failed to bring the light of hope to my eyes, draw a smile on my face, and create joy in my heart. You know and everybody knows that being tortured for you, being imprisoned for you and suffering for your sake has been the only joy I have ever had..... it is from your joy that I feel comfort, it is your freedom that brings the light of hope to my sight, it is your comfort that I feel relaxed in my heart.... I cannot speak well or write well... please note the hidden force under my simple lousy words.. please understand... please understand ! I love you and consider you my only friend; all my life, all the days and nights, every moment of my life is a witness to my love and dedication for you. Your freedom is my doctrine, your success is my affection, your future is my only hope! ” - Ali Shariati

81. “Commit yourself to the possibility that everything you see around you is far less real than God. You want to see the truth "with all your heart, with all you soul, and with all your mind," as Jesus says. This is actually a commitment to joy.” - Deepak Chopra

82. “If you pay attention to those aspects of God that demonstrate love, truth, beauty, intelligence, order, and spiritual evolution, those aspects will begin to expand in your life. Bit by bit, like a mosaic, disparate fragments of grace will merge to form a complete picture. Eventually this picture will replace the ore threatening one you have carried around inside you since infancy.” - Deepak Chopra

83. “We must therefore be willing to get shaken up, to submit ourselves to the dark blossomings of chaos, in order to reap the blessings of growth.” - Gregg Levoy

84. “No matter what your spiritual condition is, no matter where you find yourself in the universe, your choice is always the same: to expand your awareness or contract it.” - Thaddeus Golas

85. “For God to prove himself on demand, physically, would be a grave disappointment, and the strongest Christians should be considerably grateful that he chooses not to do so. The skeptic endlessly demands proof, yet God refuses to insult the true intelligence of man, the '6th sense', the chief quality, the acumen which distinguishes man from the rest of creation, faith.” - Criss Jami

86. “I most be upfront wif u, God said dis month, He will update u, upgrade u, uphold u wen eva u are uptight, see to ur upkeep, uplift u wen u are upset, uproot every upheavel in ur life and d upshot of it all will amazed ur foes.” - Faith Kasham John

87. “The only person truly capable of keeping me from fulfilling my dream is me.” - Doeray L. Griffin

88. “Allah tests our patience and our fortitude. He tests out strength of faith. be patient and there will endless rewards for you, insha'Allah" - Utaz Badr” - Leila Aboulela

89. “I shall be glad as long as I live that even in that moment of final dissolution, there was in the face a look of peace, such as I never could have imagined might have rested there.” - Bram Stoker

90. “Healing can be a long and winding road or a straightforward march to the finish line.” - Alice McCall

91. “Because, you see, the cruel gods are stronger than the kind gods, and they will always beat them in the end. You doubt it? Look at the world, my brother, my sister. And so the spirit of Roth is here with me also, and battles for my soul. And I don't know who will win.” - Anthony McGowan

92. “A persons soul reflects more than just their actions. It reflects their thoughts and feelings, their emotions and desires. It reflected all of who you are.” - Jamie Canosa

93. “Rise up and be you. Your rise is your growth.” - Anita R. Sneed-Carter

94. “إنتهاء عصر الوحي هو إبتداء عصر العقل” - محمد الغزالي

95. “وبعضنا قد يحيا متخلفاً عن عصره ألف سنة، يخاصم فرقا بادت ، ويناقش قضايا نُسيت ما يحب الناس أن يسمعوا عنها جدا ولا هزلا .. والإسلام لا يخدم بهذا الأسلوب” - محمد الغزالي

96. “Faith is a journey” - Ricky Maye

97. “Like the number nineeternity is forever mine” - Kenneth G. Ortiz

98. “The intangible, as you can guess, creates some decidedly strange and perceived dichotomies for scientific interpretations. Ask a scientist what the definition of electricity is and he might rattle off, “It is the physical phenomena arising from the reaction of electrons and protons…” Note the word “…phenomena…” in the above statement - it is the key word. It is used as a reference in the philosophical usage rather than as a scientific justification.” - H.D. Rennerfeldt

99. “Start with your heart, and only good can follow!” - Ocean

100. “bad days makes you stronger, those are the best days because God is talking to you. you just have to listen closely. Don't let your tears become louder than his voice.” - Les Simple

101. “In a world so empty of human life, there was comfort in the thought that an invisible realm of spirits was aware of their existence, cared about their actions, and perhaps directed their steps. Even a stern or inimical spirit who cared enough to demand certain actions of appeasement was better than the heartless disregard of a harsh and indifferent world, in which their lives were entirely in their own hands, with no one else to turn to in time of need, not even in their thoughts.” - Jean M. Auel

102. “Your heart is the correspondent of your soul. It knows the grooves of joy.” - Karen Ruimy

103. “You can speak with spiritual eloquence, pray in public, and maintain a holy appearance... but it is your behavior that will reveal your true character.” - Steve Maraboli