104 The 39 Clues Quotes

Sept. 6, 2024, 9:45 a.m.

104 The 39 Clues Quotes

If you're a fan of adventure, mystery, and family secrets, then "The 39 Clues" series has surely captivated your imagination. Bursting with thrilling escapades and profound revelations, these books are a treasure trove of memorable lines that stick with you long after you've turned the last page. In honor of this compelling series, we've put together a curated collection of the top 104 quotes from "The 39 Clues." Whether you're revisiting old favorites or discovering new gems, these quotes are sure to reignite your love for this iconic series. Dive in and experience the wit, wisdom, and wonder of "The 39 Clues" all over again.

1. “We meant to temporarily disable her," Ian said. "Just a drop. But Natalie slipped during air turbulence. Before we could warn your nose-ringed nanny, she drenched us. Luckily, she allowed us to retrieve the antidote from our carry-on.""That's kindness," Amy said."I made them agree to give me all their cash," Nellie explained."That's bribery," Natalie grumbled.” - Peter Lerangis

2. “This, my children," Alistair said proudly, "was barbecue pork."Dan rapped his fingers against the latch. "Been out in the sun for a long time.” - Peter Lerangis

3. “Amy was looking around the sanctum in awe. "It's...beautiful!"The girl was modest and thoughtful. How bizarre. So rarely did Ian see these qualities in others–especially during the quest for the 39 Clues. Naturally, he had been taught to avoid these behaviors at all costs and never to consort with anyone who possessed them. They were distasteful–FLO, as Papa would say. For Losers Only. And Kabras never lost.Yet she fascinated him. Her joy in running up Alistair's tiny lawn, her awe at this piddling cubbyhole–it didn't seem possible to gain so much happiness from so little. This gave him a curious feeling he'd never quite experienced. Something like indigestion but quite a bit more pleasant.Ah well. Blame it on the ripped trousers, he thought. Humiliation softened the soul.” - Peter Lerangis

4. “I g-g-guess...I'm dead?" she heard her own voice call out, strangely high-pitched and thin.For a long time, she heard nothing else. And then:"Hi, Dead. I'm Dan.” - Peter Lerangis

5. “Amy gritted her teeth. "King Louis XVI even put Franklin's picture on a chamber pot!"Jonah looked at his dad. "Do we have souvenir chamber pots?""No." His dad whipped out his phone. "I'll make the call.” - Rick Riordan

6. “A Styrofoam egg carton caught his eye. He opened it and found a single silver orb with little blinking red lights. "This is cool, too!" He dropped it into his backpack."Dan, no!""What? They've got plenty of other stuff, and we need all the help we can get!""It could be dangerous.""I hope so.” - Rick Riordan

7. “I want a room decorated with bones!" Dan said. "Where'd they come from?""Cemeteries," Amy said. "Back in the 1700s, the cemeteries were getting overcrowded, so they decided to dig up tons of old bodies–all their bones–and move them into the Catacombs. The thing is...look at the dates. See when they started moving bones into the Catacombs?"Dan squinted at the screen. He didn't see what she was talking about. "Is it my birthday?” - Rick Riordan

8. “My dear children!"Nellie whopped him upside the head with her backpack."Ow!" Uncle Alistair curled over, cupping his hand over his good eye."Nellie!" Amy said."Sorry," Nellie muttered. "I thought he was one of the bad guys.” - Rick Riordan

9. “Dan was thrilled that the second clue had been safely smuggled out of the church in his pants."So, really, I saved the day," he decided."Wait a minute," Amy said, "I climbed onto the roof in the middle of a thunderstorm.""Yeah, but the clue was in my pants.” - Rick Riordan

10. “Sugar maple!" Mary-Todd Holt knelt over her husband. "Are you all right?"Eisenhower sat up, and egg-size lump blooming on his crown. "Of course I'm all right!" he managed, his words slurred. "You think a little insect can stop me?"Reagan was unconvinced. "I don't know, Dad. She brained you with a baseball bat!""Hockey stick," Dan corrected."Those could be your last words, brat–” - Gordon Korman

11. “Nobody got me out," Nellie replied. "They just let me go. They think I'm a deranged Jonah Wizard fan. Apparently, the hotel's full of them. A couple of idiots actually jumped off the front balcony. Can you picture that?""In Technicolor," Amy said bitterly."That low-down KGB reject!" Dan fumed. "I can't believe she cheated me–right when I was in the middle of cheating her!” - Gordon Korman

12. “The au pair was bug-eyed. "What happened back there?""It's not our fault!" Dan babbled. "Those guys are crazy! They're like mini-Darth Vaders without the mask!""They're Benedictine monks!" Nellie exclaimed. "They're men of peace! Most of them are under vows of silence!""Yeah, well, not anymore," Dan told her. "They cursed us out pretty good. I don't know the language, but some things you don't have to translate.” - Gordon Korman

13. “Nellie grinned. "I always wanted to go to Venice. It's supposed to be the romance capital of the world.""Sweet," put in Dan. "Too bad your date is an Egyptian Mau on a hunger strike."The au pair sighed. "Better than an eleven-year-old with a big mouth.” - Gordon Korman

14. “Amy turned to Nellie. "Can you create a diversion to draw the clerk outside?"The au pair was wary. "What kind of diversion?""You could pretend to be lost," Dan proposed. "The guy comes out to give you directions, and we slip inside.""That's the most sexist idea I've ever heard," Nellie said harshly. "I'm female, so I have to be clueless. He's male, so he's got a great sense of direction.""Maybe you're from out of town," Dan suggested. "Wait–you are from out of town."Nellie stashed their bags under a bench and set Saladin on the seat with a stern "You're the watchcat. Anybody touches those bags, unleash your inner tiger."The Egyptian Mau surveyed the street uncertainly. "Mrrp." Nellie sighed. "Lucky for us there's no one around. Okay, I'm going in there. Be ready."The clerk said something to her–probably May I help you? She smiled apologetically. "I don't speak Italian.""Ah–you are American." His accent was heavy, but he seemed eager to please. "I will assist you." He took in her black nail polish and nose ring. "Punk, perhaps, is your enjoyment?""More like a punk/reggae fusion," Nellie replied thoughtfully. "With a country feel. And operatic vocals."The clerk stared in perplexity.Nellie began to tour the aisles, pulling out CDs left and right. "Ah–Artic Monkeys–that's what I'm talking about. And some Bad Brains–from the eighties. Foo Fighters–I'll need a couple from those guys. And don't forget Linkin Park..."He watched in awe as she stacked up an enormous armload of music. "There," she finished, slapping Frank Zappa's Greatest Hits on top of the pile. "That should do for a start.""You are a music lover," said the wide-eyed cashier."No, I'm a kleptomaniac." And she dashed out the door.” - Gordon Korman

15. “"Whoaaaaa–AARRRGGGGGGGHHHH...shove two fingers down my throat and pull out my heart...to prove that you love meeee...!" Clutching her iPod, Nellie emerged from the hatch ad lurched towards them, like creature put together from spare parts–a motion that Dan and Amy recognized as dancing. Pulling out her earbuds, she raised her face to the sky and let the rain pelt her for a few seconds. "Whoo-hoo, that is better than a facial!" she cried, running to join Dan and Amy under the overhang."Stick around," Dan said, "for a lava treatment.” - Peter Lerangis

16. “Just then a word floated out through the buzz saw of Zapata-speak: Nefertari. Dan tuned back in."...the most beautiful tomb in Egypt," Ms. Zapata was saying. "You probably know the queen because there's a famous bust of her."A photo flashed on the screen.Dan raised his hand. "That's Nefertiti," he said. "Different queen."Ms. Zapata frowned. She looked at her notes. "You could be right, Dan. Uh...let's move on."Another slide flashed on-screen. "Now, this is the inner chamber of the tomb, where she was laid to rest."Dan's hand rose again. Ms. Zapata closed her eyes."Actually? That's the side chamber.""Really." Ms. Zapata's lips pressed together. "And how do you know this, Dan?""Because..." Dan hesitated. Because I was there. Because I was locked inside the tomb with an ex-KGB spy, so I got to know it pretty well."Especially since the tomb is closed for conservation," Ms. Zapata said.Yeah. But we had this connection to an Egyptologist? Except he turned out to be a thief and a liar, so we captured him. I came this close to smashing him with a lamp...” - Jude Watson

17. “C'mon, Amy, cinnamon rolls are calling us." Dan put a hand to his ear. "Do you hear? 'Amy? Dan?'" he squeaked. "'Come and get my sugary, sticky goodness!” - Jude Watson

18. “Just then he noticed that Amy had that look, as though she wanted the street to buckle and split so she could fall right in. Dan saw the cool crowd from her school hanging at a table in the front. So that was why she didn't want to go in. Evan Tolliver was at the head of the table. Dan sighed. Even, the human supercomputer, was Amy's dream crush. Whenever Evan was near, she got her stutter back. "Oh, excuse me, I didn't notice Luke Skywalker," Dan said. "Or is it Darth Vader?" "Shhh," Amy said. Her cheeks were red. "He's coming." "You mean Evan Tolliver himself is about to set his foot on the sidewalk? Did you bring the rose petals?" "Cut it out, dweeb!" Amy said fiercely. "Hi, Amy," Evan said from behind her. Amy's color went from summer rose to summer tomato. She shot Dan a look that told him he was in serious trouble. "Hey, Evan," he said. "I'm Amy's little brother, Dweeb. Nice to meet you, man.” - Jude Watson

19. “For someone who's smarter than a supercomputer, sometimes you're a real idiot.” - Gordon Korman

20. “I'll sue!" Ian sputtered. "I'll sue you AND the dog. And the country of South Korea. And...and...""The landscape architect?" Natalie asked."The landscape architect!" Ian shouted.” - Peter Lerangis

21. “You should climb around inside my brain, Dan. It's like this dark room surrounded by quicksand.""I know what you mean," her brother said quietly. "I hate being in my brain sometimes. I have to get out.""What do you do?" Amy asked.Dan shrugged "I go to other places. My toes. My shoulders. But mostly here." He tapped his chest and immediately reddened. "I know. It's stupid.""Not really," Amy said. "I wish I could do that, too.” - Peter Lerangis

22. “You guys are related to Jonah Wizard?" Jake asked, his lip curled disdainfully."And the other guy," Dan grumbled. "Vin Diesel's stunt double.” - Peter Lerangis

23. “In a whirlwind, Reagan quickly knocked off fifty more push-ups, flipped, and did thirty crunches, then turned and landed a kick that dented the metal door. "I'm feeling sick, too, and look at me. What if Babe Ruth had said 'Time to Rest'? Or Michael Phelps? Or Neil Armstrong? Come on, guys–what are we?""Hungry," Natalie said."Sleepy," Alistair added."Grumpy," Fiske said."Sneezy," Phoenix piped up."Shot," Nellie said.” - Peter Lerangis

24. “Did you hear that?" Casper said."Bats," Cheyenne replied.Casper gasped with horror. "You know I hate bats," he hissed."Bats bats bats bats bats," Cheyenne said."Stop it! We're not kids anymore!" Casper shouted."This way, Braveheart.” - Peter Lerangis

25. “Cheyenne snatched back her phone. "Someone took her brave pills today.""And washed them down with stupid juice," Casper added, cocking his gun.” - Peter Lerangis

26. “Dan watched in awe. "I didn't know you talk Turkey.""I speak Turkish.” - Peter Lerangis

27. “Mrrrp?To anyone else in the Cahill universe, the high-pitched sound of the pet Egyptian Mau had a hundred different meanings: the playful mrrp, the I-want-red-snapper mrrp, the that-wasn't-enough-red-snapper mrrp, the thank-you-for-the-meager-portion-of-red-snapper mrrp. And on and on.But to Ian Kabra's ears, each was the I-hate-you-with-all-my-soul mrrp.” - Peter Lerangis

28. “Daniello, you do not like the bread? Eat! ...per favore, have some pasticcio di gnocchi alla boscaiola!""As long as you don't ask me to repeat the name," Dan replied.Luna Amato chuckled. "Charming boy.""Handsome, too," Dan said.” - Peter Lerangis

29. “When we grow up," she said, "we'll have amazing families. Our dens will be better than this. Your kids and my kids will play together in a humongous room with every kind of toy and game.""Except I won't have kids," Dan said. "I'll come over myself and play...” - Peter Lerangis

30. “Dan was heading for the blue car in the driveway. He tossed Amy the car keys. "Don't drive like you! Make it fast!” - Peter Lerangis

31. “Who needs bread crumbs," Dan replied, "when you have GPS?” - Peter Lerangis

32. “You'll be boarding the nine twenty-one commercial flight as Shirley and Roderick Cliphorn.""Roderick Cliphorn?" Dan groaned. Only someone with a name like Sinead Starling would have considered that normal.” - Peter Lerangis

33. “P.S. You'll have to meet with Dan's principal when you get back. He got in trouble for doing ninja moves in class. Don't worry. This happens all the time.” - Rick Riordan

34. “Caught in a bad romance. Whoaaa-oh-ooooh!"Nellie wailed along to the XM radio blaring from the enormous speakers."Can I uncover my ears now?" Dan called from the back, where he was reclined across the leather seat. "Has Nellie stopped her Lady Gag Me impression?” - Rick Riordan

35. “Hey! Guy with scary eyes?" Madison called out. "You know what a moose does when someone insults her family?"Ivan raised his eyebrows."She does this." Madison crouched down and charged Ivan. Her head hit him in the stomach.” - Rick Riordan

36. “When was the last time we slept?""Day before yesterday?" Amy asked with a frown. "I know what you mean. This is some jet lag. Let's get a coffee while we make a plan.""Oh, yeah. Jet lag. That must be it," Dan agreed as he trailed after her to the espresso bar. "Not the fact that we pulled off a museum heist, went without sleep and food, and oh, yeah—did I mention this—almost got killed? Jet lag. That's why we're tired.""Well, if you want to get technical.” - Jude Watson

37. “Ticket and passport. We're crossing the border.""Oh. Sorry." Dan handed the conductor his ticket."Grazie.""De nada," Dan said."That's Spanish," Amy whispered."No, it's whatever," Dan said. "I'm too tired to think.” - Jude Watson

38. “It hurts," Nellie said."I know," Reagan said. "No pain, no gain.""Do you think they made that expression up for bullet wounds?” - Jude Watson

39. “That's it. Gently now," Reagan said to Nellie. "We'll move onto the hard stuff tomorrow.""This...isn't...the hard stuff?" Nellie spit out through gritted teeth.Reagan grinned. "You really hate me right now, don't you?""Immeasurably.""Good. Give me ten.” - Jude Watson

40. “I remember," she said. "Lawrence Malley. He was an expert in security systems.""Aka Lightfinger Larry." Dan grinned. "He was also wanted in five states.""Great," Amy groaned. "I sent you to a tutorial with a crook.""It got us in here, didn't it?""I guess I'm grateful to him, then," Amy said doubtfully."Don't be," Dan said. "The first lock I opened was on your diary. Don't worry, I read two pages and fell asleep.” - Jude Watson

41. “You're in trouble. Do you expect me to just walk away?""I wouldn't hold it against you if you did.""In know you wouldn't. That's only one of the reasons I'm crazy about you. I've got a million more.""Just a million?""Okay, a million plus one—your cat."She giggled. "You're bonding with Saladin?""Somebody has to protect that cat from your cousin Ian. And I feed him. The cat. Not Ian. He's on his own. Anyway, if that doesn't get me Perfect Boyfriend status, I don't know what will.""Emptying the litter box?""Hey. I have my limits."Amy laughed. She had the phone pressed to her ear so tightly it burned. She closed her eyes, picturing his face...Ian's crisp voice broke in. "All right, lovebirds, let's move on. No offense, but I believe Amy and Dan might need a short course in style and class.""Is this the nonoffensive part?" Dan asked. "I can't wait until you really insult us.""Let's deal with reality, shall we? You don't just walk into an auction house in your jeans and backpacks. You have to blend in. And that's going to be hard." Ian sniffed. "Considering that you're Americans.""What are you talking about, dude?" Dan asked. "This is my best SpongeBob T-shirt.” - Jude Watson

42. “Amy sighed. Just when she started to almost like Ian again—after all, he'd flown across the ocean and had been working around the clock to help—his snob quotient went through the roof.” - Jude Watson

43. “We just stole a painting and smuggled ourselves off a train," Amy said, trying to sound confident. "And we can't shop?” - Jude Watson

44. “Dan was doing his best Ian Kabra impersonation, looking around the store as though inspecting it for cockroaches. Amy tried to turn her snort of laughter into a cough."Espresso?" The saleswoman materialized seemingly out of nowhere. Amy realized that the full-length mirror on the wall was actually a door.If she were Amy Cahill, she would blush and shake her head no, just because she didn't want to cause any bother. She imagined what Natalie Kabra would do."Tea. Darjeeling," she said in a curt tone."Oh, not Darjeeling, sis," Dan said. "That's just so middle class.""Lapsang souchong?" the saleswoman asked."I just adored his last collection," Dan said.The woman's tight smile dimmed. "That's a tea.” - Jude Watson

45. “There's a fine line between criminality and genius."-Dan Cahill” - Jude Watson

46. “I'm so hungry," Amy said sleepily."Hey, you stole my line," Dan said.” - Jude Watson

47. “Hamilton awkwardly folded himself into the passenger seat. "Couldn't you get something bigger?" he asked as he banged his knee against the dashboard."We're supposed to be a diversion," Jonah said. "Got to make an entrance. Can't do that in a minivan, Giganto Boy. Can't do much in a minivan except look about as uncool as it gets.""Hey! My dad drives a minivan.""Snap.” - Jude Watson

48. “You're a model? Never would have guessed," Jonah said in a lazy, teasing voice that caused Hamilton's head to swivel. He'd never seen Jonah flirt before.The girl tilted her head. The glossy hair spilled down one bare shoulder. "Un moment...you look familiar."Jonah grinned. "Yeah?""'Ave we met? Are you an 'airdresser?""A hairdresser?" Jonah choked out."Guys, we'd better get going," Hamilton said."The name is Jonah," Jonah said, pronuncing his name carefully. He waited for a sign of recognition."Nicole.""Jonah Wizard."Nicole squinted at him. "You are a wee-zhard? Like the Harry Potter, non?""I'm Hamilton," Hamilton said, even though nobody asked.” - Jude Watson

49. “Let's hope it doesn't come to that," Ian put in. "Just fridge yourselves, as Jonah says.""Dude," Dan said. "Do you mean chill?""Precisely. Just what I said.” - Jude Watson

50. “Oh, terrific," Dan muttered. "Just what we need. Another code! Why can't people just say what they mean? Why can't they say THE MAP IS IN THE DESK?” - Jude Watson

51. “There's something wrong with the brakes." He didn't recognize his shaky, weak voice. He pumped them again. Nothing. "There's something wrong with the BRAKES?""I don't think we have any.""We don't have any BRAKES?""Bro, it doesn't help to repeat everything I say!" Jonah yelled.” - Jude Watson

52. “Listen!""Ludwig was mad, broBut he was also bad, bro,Was his own 'Iliad,' bro...""Jonah!" Amy breathed.” - Jude Watson

53. “OMIGOSH JONAH WIZARD!"-Amy Cahill” - Jude Watson

54. “The sunset was spectacular, and they were safe in the minibus with the students from Estonia who were on their way to Salzburg for the Sound of Music tour. Jonah sat up front with girls and led a sing-along.Who would have guessed that the hip-hop star knew all the words to "Climb Ev'ry Mountain"?” - Jude Watson

55. “Amy bit her lip. "I was so scared, Dan. I couldn't think. She shook her head. "I feel so ashamed of myself. If it wasn't for you, we would have been toast.""Whoa," Dan said. "If you're throwing a pity party for yourself, don't invite me." He poked her. "You were the one who got Jonah to find us. Awesome lung power. I thought you only used that volume to get me out of the bathroom.” - Jude Watson

56. “Ninja Assasins Incorporated, Dan Cahill speaking. Who would you like offed today?” - Riley Clifford

57. “Grace has way weirder people than me coming in and out all the time," Dan said. "You, on the other hand, are as boring as it gets. If Grace is worried about anyone cramping her style, I'd point to the gloomy nerd reading about Chucklesky.""Tchaikovsky. He composed the score for the ballet The Nutcracker."Dan thre his hands up. "How am I supposed to get any better at making you sound like a loser if you just do all the work for me?” - Riley Clifford

58. “Where'd you get that lighter?" she demanded."Frida," Dan said, closing it. "She left it behind. Remember how she was always talking about outdoorsy stuff? She said she kept a water-resistant lighter on her at all times, in case she needed emergency fire."There was a short beat of silence in the dumpster."Huh," said Dan. "Except probably now.” - Riley Clifford

59. “There stood Dan alone, with a ninja mask pulled over his face. Fifteen hissing bottle rockets were pointed right them."Screaming bottle of death-jutsu!" Dan yelled.” - Riley Clifford

60. “He looked back at the mirror. "I know it's completely ridiculous, but I can't keep quiet about it any longer. Your closet looks like it was put together by a blind nun, and your brother acts like a cross between a monkey and a go-kart, and you have the social skills of a rock. But I like you, Amy. Quite—quite a bit." He paused. "So, congratulations.” - Riley Clifford

61. “I'm throwing out this bottle rocket.""No, wait!" Dan said, reaching for it. "It hasn't been set off yet. Don't waste it, Amy. And we don't have company coming—we have Ian Kabra coming. And I know you want to totally impress him and take him to the movies and stare dreamily into his eyes—""I do not," Amy said, too quickly."Oh, Ian," Dan said, pressing his lightsaber to his chest and batting his eyes. "Tell me again about your shiny, shiny shoes.” - Riley Clifford

62. “I'm going to hang up now," she said quietly."Fine.""Good-bye, Ian," she said.He paused again. She thought she heard something like a sniff or a choke, but it was probably the sound of him tearing up his plane ticket. "Good-bye, Amy."She hung up the phone: Dan and Nellie were quiet."Well, think about it," said Dan. "Did you really want Natalie Kabra as a sister-in-law?” - Riley Clifford

63. “Whoa," Madison whistled, craning her neck to examine the chandelier."This is even fancier than Red Lobster," Reagan said in awe."Look at this rich people's hockey-stick holder," Madison said as she ran a slightly grubby finger along the edge of the antique umbrella stand. "I want one!” - Riley Clifford

64. “Hi!" she said, a bit louder than she meant to. Ian raised one eyebrow and Amy felt the beginnings of a blush. She started to give Ian a hug, but he had already bent forward to kiss her on the cheek. Her sudden movement three him off, and they ended up bumping foreheads. "Sorry," Amy said, turning away so Ian wouldn't see that her face had turned bright red."Quite all right. I had forgotten you do things differently across the pond." He took a step back to look at Amy. "I take it jeans are the latest in evening wear here in the wild west?" He made an exaggerated show of narrowing her eyes. "Is that a juice stain on your blouse? How fetching.” - Riley Clifford

65. “Dorms?" Amy heard Natalie call from behind her. "You're joking, right?""Don't worry," Hamilton said as he raced ahead, carrying both his and Natalie's suitcases. "Madison doesn't sleepwalk anymore.""Bring that back!" Natalie shouted as she ran after him. "I'm going to stay at the Ritz-Carlton!""Is that where they make the crackers?" Madison asked. "I'm coming, too!” - Riley Clifford

66. “Come on," she said, smiling for the first time since she'd stepped on the plane. "We need to get to the bus before Ian plugs his iPod into the speakers."Dan shuddered. "I'd rather face a thousand Vespers than listen to Beethoven.” - Riley Clifford

67. “Who's Evan?" Ian asked."Amy's boyfriend!""Amy, since when do you have a boyfriend?" Ian probed."Since none of your business!” - Gordon Korman

68. “Who's that new guy with the snooty accent who came out and talked to the police?" Evan persisted. "He looks like some kind of male model.""That's just my cousin Ian," Amy explained."Not much of a family resemblance," Evan noted sourly."He's like a twenty-fifth cousin, ten times removed."Evan was not satisfied.” - Gordon Korman

69. “Amy was profoundly shocked. "A little over an hour ago, our bus was attacked by three men in ski masks. They definitely knew me, and probably Dan, too. We fought them off, but it could've gone either way.""Like if they'd used a cookie truck instead of a gas tanker," Dan added. "Nobody's scared of Oreos.” - Gordon Korman

70. “Yeah!" shouted Jonah, twirling the much larger Hamilton around the restaurant in a victory dance.The other diners watched in amazement. This wild display was hardly the public image of the too-cool-for-school Jonah Wizard."What's the matter?" Hamilton challenged. "Haven't you ever seen a happy rapper before?” - Gordon Korman

71. “Amy hugged Sinead, and Dan scratched Saladin. "Later, Saladin. Take it easy on Kabra. On second thought, don't.” - Gordon Korman

72. “Don't think of it as losing a boyfriend. Think of it as gaining a stalker."-Dan Cahill” - Gordon Korman

73. “The computer beeped as the upload completed. A moment later, Ian Kabra appeared on the screen.Dan was surprised. "Hey, Ian, isn't it, like, two in the morning back there?""It's called jet lag," Ian informed him. "I'm still on London time. I don't suppose you savages have any tea in this mausoleum.""There's a diet Snapple in the fridge."Ian shuddered. "I thought not.” - Gordon Korman

74. “Dan instantly recognized the angry scratch that stretched from the corner of Ian's eye all the way along the olive skin to his chin. "Have you been messing with Saladin?""No. Saladin has been messing with me," Ian shot back."He isn't big on Lucians," Dan explained. "Animals are really good judges of character.” - Gordon Korman

75. “I'm starving. When we check into our hotel, let's ask the desk clerk where we can find one of those vast pizzas.""What are you talking about?""Your guidebook says Florence is a city of vast pizzas. Look it up yourself.""Those are vast piazzas, not pizzas! It means public squares!"Dan's face fell. "Oh."Amy sighed. "I honestly thought the clue hunt took the dweeb out of you. No such luck.” - Gordon Korman

76. “We don't have to love it. We just have to steal it.” - Gordon Korman

77. “There's always a way," his sister lectured. "We'll need help, though.""What help?"Amy grinned. "Sometimes it doesn't hurt to be a part of the most powerful family in human history.” - Gordon Korman

78. “Check it out."Jonah removed the bubble wrap and held up the picture for his three cousins.Dan took a step backward. The shock was almost as powerful as it had been the day before at the Uffizi. "It's perfect! It's every bit as disgusting as the real one!"Amy nodded. "And so fast. We only called you yesterday."Jonah shrugged. "Even the Janus take a short cut every now and then. You can do a lot with digitization these days. You break the picture down to squares and reproduce them one at a time. The other two are just as fly.""You mean, hog ugly," Hamilton amended. "The serpents don't help," Dan put in critically. "Live fat spaghetti. Lady, if you're thinking of a modeling career, forget it!" The rapper clucked sympathetically. "You guys just don't appreciate the power of the visual image. The Wiz used to be like that–until Gangsta Kronikles. When you're in film industry, you understand the whole picture's-worth-a-thousand-words deal."Hamilton rolled his eyes. "Here we go again.” - Gordon Korman

79. “Here's some more stuff we're going to need."1 pair coveralls1 extension ladder (30 foot)1 glass cutter1 artist's portfolio (large)1 water pistol1 bottle india ink1 portable trampoline (collapsible)1 bicycle w/basket4 pizza boxesJonah whistled. "I hope you've got some crazy evil-genius strategy, 'cause–straight up–I don't get it.” - Gordon Korman

80. “Art theft gave a guy an appetite.” - Gordon Korman

81. “Jonah peered critically up at the Renaissance masterpiece. "Man, those copies don't due it justice. This one's the truth!""Only a Janus," groaned Hamilton.” - Gordon Korman

82. “Sinead broke in. "The cops need to know what to do with Evan, Amy. What should I tell them?""Shoot to kill?" Ian suggested.” - Gordon Korman

83. “No fair! Those guys ripped off what we rightfully stole!” - Gordon Korman

84. “Free food!" mumbled Hamilton, his mouth full. "No wonder you're rich. You don't have to pay for anything.""Since when is it free?" Jonah demanded. "If I don't leave a big tip, it'll be all over Europe that the Wiz is a cheapskate! They'll seat me behind the sound-man from the penguin movie at the Oscars!” - Gordon Korman

85. “Dan inched closer. "Are her eyelids moving?"Jonah was on his feet now, cheerleading. "Get up, babysitter! Up! Up!” - Gordon Korman

86. “What does it feel like to get shot?""I don't recommend it," said Nellie in a controlled voice. "Chocolate is definitely better.” - Gordon Korman

87. “Fiske spoke sharply to the four walls. "We need medical attention immediately. We have a gunshot wound that requires treatment.""You're not going to get through to them by talking like an English professor," scoffed Reagan. "Hey!" she bawled. "Get a doctor down here! She's in pain, thanks to you! What are you going to do about it?” - Gordon Korman

88. “Ow!""Hold still," Sinead ordered. "And don't be such a baby." She dabbed at the angry red mark behind Ian's ear. "Cat scratches are prone to infection, you know.""And that's my fault?" Ian raged. "Why don't you lock that animal in the cellar? Or, better still, send him to a violen string factory! Ow! What is this stuff–acid?""My own concoction," she replied cheerfully. "Amy and I use it on our blisters when we do marathon training. Soothing, right?""They practice this kind of soothing in the Lucian stronghold–during interrogations.” - Gordon Korman

89. “The phone rang in the comm. center. Ian consulted the monitor. "It's Dan." He pressed a button. "Kabra here."Dan's voice crackled through the attic. "Don't say it like that," he complained. "Your name still gives me heartburn.” - Gordon Korman

90. “Where's Amy?" Ian put in. "Will you please get her to call that Evan character? He rings here twenty times a day. He's either the most mule-headed person who ever lived, or he really likes your sister. She has to have mercy on him–on all of us!” - Gordon Korman

91. “The key to the city of Florence was about two feet long, and painted a garish gold.Hamilton was fascinated by it. "Wow! How big is the lock?"Jonah laughed. "There is no lock, cuz. It's an honorary gig. Back in my crib in LA, I've got a whole shed full of keys from different cities. Want to know the kicker? I can't get at them. The gardener lost the key to the shed.” - Gordon Korman

92. “Hamilton was bug-eyed. "Who are those people?"Jonah held his head. "Man, I should have known it was a mistake to say I'd be leaving town soon! Why do fans have to be so literal?""Are they going to let us go get the faxes?" Hamilton asked.Jonah stared at him. "You're kidding, right?” - Gordon Korman

93. “Ian sighed wanly. "I once had the means to be gaga over art–before I found myself in a country where the standard of beauty is toaster waffles shaped like cartoon characters.” - Gordon Korman

94. “A bronze plaque read: GAIUS PLINIUS CAECILIUS SECUNDUSDan made a face. "Get a load of the guy with the funny name.""I think that's Pliny the younger, the famous Roman writer," Amy supplied. She bent down to read the English portion of the tablet. "Right. In A.D. 79, Pliny chronicled the destruction of Pompeii by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. It's one of the earliest eyewitness accounts of a major disaster."Dan yawned. "Doesn't this remind you of the clue hunt? You know–you telling me a bunch of boring stuff, and me not listening?” - Gordon Korman

95. “Dan was suspicious. "How did he find out where we were staying?"Amy frowned. "I think that's the message inside the message. He wants us to know that he has a long reach–that's he's rich and powerful.""Like we'll see his giant mansion and assume he works at Burger King," scoffed Dan.” - Gordon Korman

96. “Dan moved forward and replaced Jonah at the helm. "I've got a plan!""That's my man!" The famous grin disappeared as Jonah took in the grim determination in Dan's features. His expression was as flat and expressionless as a naked skull.Dan steered the hurtling boat directly toward the rocky shore. "Amy, hang onto that painting!""That's not a plan!" Jonah shouted. "That's suicide!” - Gordon Korman

97. “Hamilton dabbed a tissue at the cut under his eye. "Except for the time I met the Great Khali, that was the coolest thing I've ever done!"The foursome, only slightly the worse for wear, stood on the tarmac of the small airfield outside Milan, transferring their luggage from the limo to Jonah's jet for the flight back to Florence. "You didn't do anything, yo," Jonah seethed. "It was done to all of us by the freak show with the nerve to complain that the family branches are too violent!” - Gordon Korman

98. “It was no place for a Kabra, not even a poor one living in exile with a psychopathic cat.He approached the counter and rand the bell with authority. The clerk turned around.Evan Tolliver."You're Amy's cousin!""Yes, I am," Ian confirmed. "I have here a list of items–""Have you heard from her?" Evan interrupted. "Is she okay?""Her health is excellent.""No, I mean–"Ian sighed. "Why should you care? She promises to phone you, and she doesn't. You were nearly arrested, thanks to her. There's a message in there somewhere, don't you agree?"Evan nodded sadly. "I kind of think so, too. But we were awesome together. She's smart, fun to be with, and not immature like most of the girls in our school. It's as if she has an automatic switch for when it's time to be serious–she can almost be old beyond her years at times. Where do you learn something like that?""I have no earthly idea," Ian lied.” - Gordon Korman

99. “Wonderful. What's the point of throwing a hissy fit without friends and family on hand to hear it?"-Amy Cahill” - Gordon Korman

100. “Change of plan–," she called to Jonah. "Can you drop us off in Rome?""Yo, am I a movie star or a taxi service?" Jonah grumbled from the depths of the script pile."Technically, your neither," Hamilton puffed, lifting weights again. "I mean, you're a star and you've made movies...” - Gordon Korman

101. “How you are in this place that has been sealed since the time of Caesar Augustus?" one of the archaeologists demanded in amazement."I was looking for my sister," Dan quipped."Your sister?""Oh—here she is." Dan reached through the opening and hauled out an equally grubby Amy.” - Gordon Korman

102. “Ian Kabra rolled up his window. "My god, what's that smell?"Behind the wheel, Sinead laughed. "It's called fresh air. Growing up in London, you've probably never breathed it before.""And I hope I never breathe it again.” - Gordon Korman

103. “They crested a rise, and there it was, in the hollow between rolling hills—a low, square building, ghostly gray in the moonlight."Is that it?" asked Hamilton."It probably isn't the local opera house," groaned Ian.” - Gordon Korman

104. “Jonah spoke what everyone was thinking. "Wouldn't it be Twilight Zone if the door was open, too?"Hamilton tried the knob. It didn't budge.Ian stepped forward and examined the lock. "Natalie's diary has better security than this." He produced a credit card and slipped it between the latch and the jamb. There was a click, and the door swung wide.” - Gordon Korman