105 Vampire Romance Quotes

May 30, 2024, 8:45 p.m.

105 Vampire Romance Quotes

Vampire romance novels have captivated readers for generations with their intoxicating blend of danger, desire, and the eternal allure of forbidden love. These tales offer more than just a thrilling escape; they delve deep into the complexities of human emotion, the allure of immortality, and the tantalizing tension between predator and prey. Whether you're a long-time fan or a newcomer, we've curated a mesmerizing collection of the top 105 vampire romance quotes that perfectly capture the essence of these dark and passionate stories. Dive in and let these words transport you to a world where love truly knows no bounds.

1. “Ella knew she should be horrified. Zane had killed someone for just touching her. But, and she might burn in hell for thinking this, she thought it was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for her. In a perverted way, she also found it romantic. She finally had someone who wanted to protect her. My very own vampire in dark armor.” - Eve Langlais

2. “You've got nothing to worry about. The righteous do not always right, but their souls remain pure. -Lassiter the Angel” - J.R. Ward

3. “Suddenly, Cain flipped her over and caged her in, his muscled strength creating a protective embrace. “My diamond,” he growled. “You are home.” She lifted her hand and cupped his cheek, then murmured, “Yes. I am.” “I was dead without you. I would have ended up a shell like Rafael.” She kissed him, hating the pain in his voice. “No, never like him. He was evil, Cain, his soul black. Yours isn’t. Just a little gray.” He smirked. “Gray?” She shrugged. “Well you aren’t lily white, that’s for certain.” - Anne Rainey

4. “His hair was shorter than I remembered, tawny in this half-light, the tousled edges casually framing the clean, commanding lines of his face. His mouth, normally so stern was relaxed now and as I stared a slight sweet smile touched his lips, its curve softening the straight strong lines of his nose and brow. Finally, inevitably, I met his eyes and felt a connection that seared straight through me, down through my soles and away. Those eyes, darker than mine, the darkest blue, dark and as impenetrable as glaciers. Tonight he was real, so very real that my heart thumped, my blood sang, my legs shook.” - Hannah Blatchford

5. “Inch by inch it's all a cinch, by the yard it's hard. Go for it -- no matter how slow or long the process seems at first.” - Mardi Ballou

6. “I knew I was a little different from most demons but nothing says freak of nature like a one-eyed gypsy saying I had a rainbow glow. It just didn't sound complimentary.” - Mary Abshire

7. “I smell her all over you, get out and pretend I died just as you did when you lied down with her." Aaliyah/Totured Soul” - Kyra Gates

8. “Just try it,” he murmurs, reaching over to cover my hand gently.And I think, Whoa, that’s never happened before!Then: Is he just doing that because he thinks Wyatt is interested?And, finally, this: Who the hell cares?!” - Rusty Fischer

9. “Rules and regulations are for humans.” - Krystell Lake

10. “It shatters the game, exposing the players” - Poppet

11. “Alone in the dark all we have are the supernal lights in each others eyes left to illuminate the room, the only sound our breathing.” - Poppet

12. “she's so caught up she's unaware she's no longer the prisoner here, I am” - Poppet

13. “She looks at me with wide eyes, delight and joy evident, sitting forward, “They are dreaming? You watch dreams? Movie is dream?” - Poppet

14. “The flock mirror the madness of their liege.” - Poppet

15. “I'm the riddle you have yet to solve” - Poppet

16. “Your lack of questioning and curiosity has been the bane of my existence.” - Poppet

17. “Who knows what real really is...” - Poppet

18. “Holding my hands, kissing the palms, his smile is ecstatic, jubilant, adoring, and the song playing speaks for him, “Have you ever seen the light...the way it shines in you.” - Poppet

19. “You are my flower and I am your stem holding you to the light.” - Poppet

20. “To sore make bad energy, make innocent cry, Aisyx no spread pain plague.” - Poppet

21. “Oh baby, your planet sounds like paradise but it just doesn't fly down here in the trenches.” - Poppet

22. “Do not feed fear. Starve it.” - Poppet

23. “Aye,” he smiles, joy igniting in his stormy gray eyes, stroking my hand possessively as if unwilling to let me go for fear I am nothing more than a hallucination about to wear off.” - Poppet

24. “His touch cable knits my veins, remaking and remolding who I am.” - Poppet

25. “For why war? Nada ne hurt, sister ne hurt, for why you make vesna sore? For why!” - Poppet

26. “You failed her when you turned your back on what you are.” - Poppet

27. “The problem with all of you is you think in isolation instead of realizing we are one community, when one of us falls, we all fall.” - Poppet

28. “The sun sets, the strange clouds glowing eerily like a full moon laced with arsenic and occult warnings. Eternity stretches out her mocking red carpet, hinting at the long lonely walk of regret I have ahead of me.” - Poppet

29. “It destroys and resurrects in equal measure. It's paradigm shifting. The man I was before Nada has perished and left a changeling who is lost in the delicate art of awe and humble appreciation.” - Poppet

30. “Fear only has power when I cower under the illusion.” - Poppet

31. “Lady, you have just become a wanted woman. I suggest you start running.” - Poppet

32. “Every man needs a shadow to reveal his light, to always be that close, ever present, bonded forever in astral allegiance.” - Poppet

33. “Stapled to her gaze, sucked into the potency of her focus, only the trace of her blood in my mouth reassures me this is not a vision but a hallucinogenic pause from responsibility.” - Poppet

34. “In truth the issue is that we are so powerful what we believe becomes our reality.” - Poppet

35. “He's a contradiction and that's why he's so perfect.” - Poppet

36. “Kin is a shortened term for kinetic. Kinetic means to move. All that moves is your kin” - Poppet

37. “A shade slinks over me and I'm caught off guard when he leans down, placing a blossom in my cleavage, his face shadowed and secretive.” - Poppet

38. “Look into my eyes and deny me.” - Poppet

39. “Inhaling, I am ignited with the first breath of freedom” - Poppet

40. “He puts his arm around me, the lights dancing on his dark skin constantly skipping across to mine, planting a myriad of emotions into each pore as if preparing my heart for tilling.” - Poppet

41. “I've known you forever, and you are only just remembering me.” - Poppet

42. “I'm a tundra with wind endlessly blowing a hollow tunnel through me.” - Poppet

43. “Eyes darker than a midnight lake penetrate my thoughts with their intensity, and a big hand warmly covers mine” - Poppet

44. “Rubbing absently at my temple, I do declare this woman leaves me flabbergasted and tongue tied.” - Poppet

45. “He gives me one of those twinkling stares. His eyes coalesce and fragment color, glinting specks of midnight purple and an electric blue, when the light catches them just right. Straight on they look like indelible pitch, well deep with secrets and primordial darkness.” - Poppet

46. “He turns back to me, a strong hand swooping down and sculpting hair off my face, familiar looking arms curling back around me and cradling me into a chest harder and hotter than a mountain left baking in the Australian outback.” - Poppet

47. “You can only push me so far little slakax, and then I will do what has to be done, with or without your permission.” - Poppet

48. “Facing him as I lower the glass from my lips, he's giving me one of those intense moonlit stares.” - Poppet

49. “He sits next to me, the veins on his neck and arms seeming more prominent than they did earlier. His mouth compresses, igniting his eyes with esoteric light, pulling me into the magnetic undertow.” - Poppet

50. “It's a heady aphrodisiac being exposed to his unique voice when he adopts that tone. His voice reverbs on a bunch of notes simultaneously. It's the first thing you notice about Ryan, his voice sounds like an orchestra playing a symphony composed by angels. It's most distracting until you grow immune to it, and now I'm back to completely infected with the Ryan voice virus.” - Poppet

51. “I'm not a man easily moved to displays of emotion, but tonight I am weak, I am vulnerable. It must be from being inside her, so close to her, breathing in her pain, and love, and light, and blossoming vulnerable beauty” - Poppet

52. “Naïve, and very very dangerous. If she only knew what treacherous waters she has just stepped into.” - Poppet

53. “Biting a plump bottom lip, I stare into endless irises open and poised over my own. Sliding my hand up her thigh, under her gown, I pull her closer with the hand cupping her hipbone, releasing the growl of a king caught in delight.” - Poppet

54. “Phoebe, don't play coy. If you were willing to give a peeping Tom a show, and you thought you were doing it for my benefit, then let's cut the pretend out of this and shoot straight for cold hard honesty” - Poppet

55. “Running my fingers into his thick hair, I wallow in the strength and heat surrounding me before he pulls away, giving me such a happy smile it makes my heart rattle inside my chest. There's nothing better in this whole world than to be held in someone's loving stare. A stare they reserve for you.” - Poppet

56. “His eyes are piercing and intense, the stare they give me brimming with threat and interest, folding thick arms over a broad chest, rippling the muscles in his forearms and etching the tattoos down his arms into stark highlight.” - Poppet

57. “Pushing himself off the bed in a violent thrust, his lats widen like wings down his sides, where his waistcoat is open halfway to his waist to accommodate muscular builds, he indicates the gilded cage with outstretched arms. Showing off his supreme musculature, he says, “We have forever Phoebe.” - Poppet

58. “The activity has pumped out his chest and hardened his abs, and I can't believe I'm even noticing or appreciating it. His smile is naughty, the muscles in his shoulders thick and ripped, undulating with his movement when he adjusts his position for me to get an eyeful.” - Poppet

59. “Now more than ever I wish I had a cup of oblivion. But there is no mercy for the people who have left the darkness for the light. The darkness lingers until you stand naked in the light and let it fill you up, in every corner of your soul.” - Poppet

60. “He should always wear jeans because they make him look hotter than a nebula. Black suits him too. It hugs to his muscular vales and swells, turning temptation into sexy man therapy.” - Poppet

61. “Yanking at my leg, straining every muscle, my customized Gray Ghost rebuilt as a chopper sparks and squeals. My boot catches and I'm flipped. Sliding down E-70 Highway on leather, my gloves scrubbed by the tarmac.” - Poppet

62. “Like opium, nerve annihilation stretches up my veins to pump incinerating anguish through my body.” - Poppet

63. “I'm in a bastard mood, so wait for her to come to me without moving. Here kitty kitty, come to the lion's den.” - Poppet

64. “I manage to hold the poker face when she submits to dominance, to the summons, and swans into my arms, pressing her quivering form against mine when she embraces me.” - Poppet

65. “Now now Ellindt, you know I love it when you beg.” Chuckling silently, every jolt from my hold causes her hands pulsating pain, and I bend to speak intimately into her ear again, “But I love it more when you scream.” - Poppet

66. “Desire filters toxins through my system at the sight and I lower again, shoving her against the padded wall to snake my tongue over the elixir of pain.” - Poppet

67. “Every footfall of my boots echoes and ricochets louder and louder, the excruciating stroll I take induces her heartbeat into pecking so hard and erratic, my dick starts hurting with an anticipatory throb.” - Poppet

68. “Kicking the door shut with the heel of my boot, I wedge her against it, raining kisses on her skin, wishing I could climb inside her and kiss away the welts left on her heart and mind.” - Poppet

69. “Lifting, smiling back at her giggle, her relief, I tease, “If you want to bleed sweetheart, I can make you bleed. I promise if I do it will be way more fun.” - Poppet

70. “Kissing her again, softly, I leave my t-shirt next to her pillow.It's the silent promise that I'll come back again tonight.” - Poppet

71. “So many people talk about the Golden Gate bridge, but I would bet they haven't seen the new Sava River Bridge. It has long metal ropes suspending it, like a gigantic angel's harp waiting for god's fingers to reach down and pluck the first chords, to send a vibration of relief and love into the heart of Belgrade.” - Poppet

72. “He's as tall as the door, and I'm standing here without remembering the walk across the shadowed parking lot. When he turns to face me the world grinds into slow motion. Even my heartbeat draws out interminably.” - Poppet

73. “His touch is incredible, it holds my insides, my heart, my mind, shimmering hot heat into cold places, thawing my spirit... and it rejoices. I'm immediately obsessed, consumed with need to stay in this balmy light, soaking in his touch, relishing the euphoria it brings to my discarded spirituality.” - Poppet

74. “A man who is obviously too handsome for his own good smiles at me. His eyes are mischievous, as if he's harboring wicked thoughts and is tempted to subject me to them.I hold his dark gaze for a moment too long, and then pin my focus back on the” - Poppet

75. “What's it like feeling the smooth heat of that arm, tracing the supernatural muscles bunched in his arms and chest, teasing anyone with a pulse and hormones to lick their way down the divots and planes of that skin, to unbutton the leather shielding his body and taste all the way down to that silver buckle on his belt.” - Poppet

76. “Pulped in his crushing strength, his hug is enough to smear me over his body like war paint.” - Poppet

77. “Snatching my hand in the death grip of his fingers, he pulls me off the wall to line his chest, closing his body around me in a muscular cage which smells of leather and soap.” - Poppet

78. “Just once, he looks back at Arsay, and I feel like an entire encyclopedia of information and words is exchanged between them. I wish I could speak telepathy too.” - Poppet

79. “He follows me down, catching his weight on either side of my head so he can leer his face into mine, coiling muscles and immobility at me, “I want you to lay into me. Fight me.” - Poppet

80. “The answer to my thoughts is the loud ripping of my shirt when he tears it straight down my back, yanking it forward around my shoulders and imprisoning my arms in the sleeves.“I've got you now,” he says, breaking the kiss and sounding like a god about to unleash wrath.” - Poppet

81. “He's going to bite me!Instantly the last light in the room fades out as if announcing the reign of darkness.” - Poppet

82. “Eyes sparkling with blue open and stare a scalded soul at me.” - Poppet

83. “Terror starts picking at the seams of my mind, throwing hateful words like rapture and holocaust at me.” - Poppet

84. “In a perfect patch of paradise he stays immobile for an eternity while the predawn breath strokes his skin and kisses each vertebrae down his spine.” - Poppet

85. “m possessed, gripping her head and looking at the deep crimson bruise on her neck, fading to black at the edges. Her wrists are banded with yellow-green bruises, and when I turn her I spot the finger marks left on her thigh.“Did he do this to you?” - Poppet

86. “Dreams are a wish your heart makes. Make them come true!” - L.M. David

87. “She needs her freedom, but I won’t let her have it.” - Kenya Wright

88. “Who are you to me?”And with no doubt, my lips parted and I moaned, “Your queen.” - Kenya Wright

89. “I don’t need to be a king for you to be my queen.” - Kenya Wright

90. “And what was he protecting you from just now?” Samuel gestured to the ceiling. “Did he think I was going to kill you with my tongue?” - Kenya Wright

91. “My corpse doesn’t need a diamond throne.” - Kenya Wright

92. “—Piensa en la araña más grande, terrorífica y letal que puedas imaginar —murmuró él con los ojos puestos en suslabios—. Yo soy esa araña, y tú la mosca atrapada en mis hilos.” - Maria Martinez

93. “I never really wanted to die. But I followed through anyway. The pain in my heart was excruciating, and death was beautiful.” - Rae Hachton

94. “With painstaking rumination, the tips of his fingers grazed over my neck, a deafening silence. I didn't move as his hand paused at the base of my throat. He listened to the arrhythmic beating of my heart, my pulse thumping beneath his fingers. He kissed me along my neckline and throat. I almost burst apart from the longing. My blood burned for him.” - Rae Hachton

95. “His thumb touched her lower lip, his eyes fixed on her. As if he couldn’t be stopped, the words flowed out of his mouth. “I want to take you in my arms, to kiss you long and hard, to touch you like you’ve never been touched, to give you the pleasure I feel running in your veins.” - Chris Lange

96. “It all seemed so impossible, so difficult after searching for her, not knowing for so long. How many times had his daughter suffered some human sickness, death or heartache over the course of her many lifetimes? How many times had she loved, cried and been without her father when she most needed him most?” - Elaine White

97. “Her fingers dug into the doorframe she leaned on, hoping and praying that he would just step out of the shadows and kiss her the way he had done so often in her dreams.” - Elaine White

98. “We’re soldiers, Emily. If we’re not elders or council members then that’s all we are. We’re here to serve those above us. We’re novel worthy, day walking, blood sucking, tortured souls trapped in a body that can’t die for all eternity with no feelings, no emotions and no heart. We don’t get to feel love, passion or desire. We do as we’re told, for the good of the clan and because we’re told to do it. And we protect people. So whatever grand delusions you have about being some kind of wonderful child and the master’s favorite are just misguided attempts to feel human again. Get over it.” - Elaine White

99. “I'm already inside your head. And your body's most definitely next.” - Lindsay J. Pryor

100. “Strong isn't about not being afraid, Caitlin. It's about facing what you're scared of.” - Lindsay J. Pryor

101. “Last warning. I don't play nice.” - Lindsay J. Pryor

102. “You upped the ante with the wrong vampire, Caitlin.” - Lindsay J. Pryor

103. “He had seen so much of life, but even more of death. He had seen countless eras come and go and still he braved forward, forever alone. And here she was ready to give up after a few lousy years. She was a coward.” - Michelle M. Pillow

104. “I’m not punishing you.’ ‘No?’ ‘No. You’d know if I was. Trust me.” - Lindsay J. Pryor

105. “You're not a pawn, Sofia. You're the queen.” - Bella Forrest